By littlelottie - 17/01/2012 17:04 - United States

Today, when I excitedly announced to my mother-in-law that I was pregnant, she looked at me with a blank expression and asked me who the father was. She's 45. She's not senile or suffering from dementia, but apparently just suffering from being a chronic bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 597
You deserved it 3 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have told her about it AFTER she had finished rounding up the rest of the Dalmatians, she might have been in a better mood then.

And now we see why the letters of "mother in law" rearranged spell "Hitler woman"


Xxsoldierxx29 3

Then you shouldn't get pregnant the world already has too many people on it

monnanon 13

well go an bitch at the folk that have 14 kids and counting rather than the OP who was happy over falling pregnant with, what could be, her first and only kid

day624 14

Hopefully it doesnt run in the family?

mbrooks5110 0

Sounds like husband needs to stand up to mom to shut her face.

******* in-laws need to let it go that you married their kid... after all, they're grown-ups?...

bizarre_ftw 21

Respond very seriously with "I'm not sure, can you help me look around and get dates straight?"

My dear, OP's mother-in-law could have married in her early 20s starting a family shortly thereafter. That being said, her age at which she becomes a grandmother does not automatically constitute her as a '****.' AwesomeLoserChic is only partially right . . . Take out 'awesome' and you will hit the nail on the head.

epiikgangster11 2

It took me like 4 re-reads to figure this out