By Anonymous - 06/03/2011 05:18 - United States

Today, we had to discuss our heritage at school. When I told the class that I'm German, Japanese, and of the Jewish faith, my teacher laughed at the "irony." Something like this always happens whenever I tell people my background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 975
You deserved it 5 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn son, sounds like an orgy gone wrong.

Just tell him you're going to go Samurai Nazi all over his tuchus.


emodude44 0

I'm part Japanese with some distant German blood. I've also got a lot of Italian friends...

how do u get Japanese Jewish German in one?? concentration camp? XD

here's mine I'm a former white South African Jew who lives in Australia with Russian and Lithuanian decent

RedPillSucks 31

With all due respect, how are you a "former" white south african?

former meaning I no longer live in South Africa but I'm still a white South African born regardless of where I live

192 I'm sending this again just in case you didn't get it former meaning I no longer live in South Africa but I'm a white south African born Jew regardless of where I live

tumorgrrl 3

I know exactly what you mean, I'm German, Italian, and of the Jewish faith as well haha

dmndrby789 0

Why are so many people giving OP such a hard time? It doesn't sound like he's ashamed. It seems to me he's proud and is annoyed of people laughing at his background all the time. I would find it irritating, too. Jokes get realllyyy old a lot faster when they're repeated over and over again. To those who said don't tell people, what is he supposed to say when someone asks about his background? Because I doubt he blurts out in the middle of a conversation that he's German, Japanese, Jewish just for the heck of it. The post clearly says he had to discuss it in school. It was not a choice. And as I said before, I don't think he's ashamed so lying wouldn't really be an option. And his fml is about stupid people making the same stupid jokes all the time, not about the "irony" (whether it's really there or not).

iwishicould 7

the fact is every Jew that got killed in the holocaust was German because they came from GERMANy. so it's not all that ironic really.

fthku 13

You got the right idea, but not all Jews who were murdered were strictly German.

TourmentBook2 0

I think it's cool the reason why most races mix are because of war so you got lucky. don't let those douch bags get to you

January8 5

UHM THAT'S ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! lol your teacher can laugh, but you and I shall be best friends lol

i no im also a german jew and the only jew in the school and all my friends are so dumb and are like what were u killing urself dumbasses

I'd like it if OP didn't. OPs FML is funny :D OH! And uh, very rude of your teacher, by the way.