By MyUsernameIsBest - 12/11/2013 05:45 - United States - Moreno Valley

Today, the day before I'm supposed to leave for a long-anticipated trip to Europe, my mother admitted that she's never paid for it. She only told me she did so I would stop hinting that I wanted to go. I gave up Christmas for this trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 754
You deserved it 5 227

MyUsernameIsBest tells us more.

Hello all, OP here! :] I must say that I am so surprised that my late night ranting on FML made it on the site. XD Well I thought I'd elaborate a bit. x] First of all, it was a trip with my high school AP European History class to Italy and France. It was all planned out, everything was included in what we pay online, and I already had gotten my passport. I got a part time job early last year when I found out about it to help pay for the trip, and I earned almost $850 to put towards funding it, as well as earned my own spending money. I had to give her the money because the tickets were being paid for from her account. I have no clue what happened to the money I gave my mom for the trip, but for the record she was not supposed to pay for the entire trip. A few days after I gave her the money I had earned, she texted me while I was at school telling me that she had signed me up for the trip and that it was paid for, so I stopped reminding her about it. She had already told me that if I helped earn money for the trip I could go. Secondly, the "I gave up Christmas" part referred to the fact that I agreed with my parents that I would be willing to give up getting presents on Christmas this year and the last to somewhat make up for the money they were putting towards this trip. On Christmas last year I got nothing, but I was fine with it because I was expecting to be going on this trip. They didn't tell me then that I wasn't going, they just didn't get me anything and let me keep believing. Thirdly, by "hinting", I literally just meant occasionally hinting that I wanted to go on the trip. I left the brochure laying around, forwarded emails from my teacher about fundraising options, mentioned it when my mother asked about my day at school etc. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a dang coward about inconveniencing people, never asking for things, never getting in people's way and always trying to avoid causing them trouble.. But when I realized I really wanted to go on this trip, I went about hinting about it, I wouldn't say that I was pestering her all that much. x] I did remind her about paying, but only after she told me I could go if I got a job to help pay for it. :P On the bright side, at least I have the spending money I saved up. :P

Top comments

Well you're handling it better than I would, that's just ****** up.

Your mom sounds like a terrible person.


I can't imagine expecting my parents to pay for a trip to Europe at any point in my life. You must be rich.

BeautifulChaos27 37

121 - I guess living in a small town screwed me. Our school is literally falling apart, with no more than 3 teachers in every department. We didn't even get senior trip we had so little money. T_T

Sharknado 5

Damn that sucks its even worse that she waited so long! Hopefully you can go next year.

Makayla18_18 13

You guys don't know the whole story. Instead of judging OP's mom for not paying why not think about WHY she didn't pay...

Why should your mum pay for your trip ? She probably told the lie because she felt bad if she couldn't afford it. Not sure why you would expect to be given an expensive holiday just by hinting you want it.

who ******* does that?! sorry op.. tell her you got her something awesome for the next birthday/chriatmas and have her open an empty box.

Why the hell should your mother pay for an expensive trip? Get a job and save up yourself, it's not her responsibility especially since she's paying for your shelter, food, clothing, schooling etc. It sounds like you were going to go alone and you were being super naggy, if I was your mother I would have said that to shut you up. True she should have told you sooner, or let you down and told you to stop hinting, but you shouldn't have expected her to do that, it's her money. I really want to go to Egypt, so I've been saving most of my money from my part time job to go in 8 years. It's not my parents problem to pay for me, they're spending their hard earned money on trips for themselves. Don't be ungrateful for everything else she's done for you. :)

Vegeto30294 19

Read her follow up comment and don't make baseless assumptions.

I had written this before she posted follow-up, and also commented on the followup regretting this comment. No need to be snarky.

What kind of mom does that?! She doesn't have horns, does she?

I'm not gonna say YDI, because your mom did a shitty thing waiting until the last minute to say something. But why should your mom pay for you to go to Europe? She'd be paying thousands of dollars for something she wouldn't even get to enjoy herself. Hopefully you learned your lesson, and next time you'll pay for it yourself.

uhnevermind 24

Except that she was hinting towards it as a gift, not begging, or even outright asking her mother. Her mother never had to say anything, but she instead lied to her daughter about it until the last possible moment. The only "lesson" is to not trust her mother in the future.

The way this was worded kind of made it seem like she was bothering her mother a lot to buy the trip for her, and she finally said she'd do it to shut her up. Now that I've read OP's reply I realize I was wrong and I revoke my comment. FYL, OP!

Shepardspie71 8

What a ****. Don't give her shit ever again