By musicalkitcat - 05/10/2009 15:45 - United States

Today, one of my best friends went into labor 14 days early. I'd told my boss previously about this and that I need to be there for my friend as she doesn't really have any family. My boss will not let me leave work to be there. Why? I didn't give enough notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 063
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm really confused by half of these comments. She gave her boss advance notice that her friend would be having a baby. Hate to break it to you, but babies don't care much about our schedules, and will come out when they're ready. Due dates are a rough estimate, and very few people actually have their baby on the due date the doctor gave them. Maybe she should have kept her legs closed? There is no explanation as to the circumstances behind this birth. For all you know, she could be married, but her husband is deployed, so her best friend wants to be there for her. And nothing here says she can't handle parenthood. I know that if m husband weren't able to be there, I'd want my best friend with me. That doesn't mean I won't be a good parent. You guys are beyond ignorant and I pray to God you never have children. OP, yeah this does suck, but like #4 says, your boss isn't obligated to let you off. Sorry

So you leave anyway, take a day of absence. Vomit and claim you have swine flu. Start chewing off your arm, etc.


I'm really confused by half of these comments. She gave her boss advance notice that her friend would be having a baby. Hate to break it to you, but babies don't care much about our schedules, and will come out when they're ready. Due dates are a rough estimate, and very few people actually have their baby on the due date the doctor gave them. Maybe she should have kept her legs closed? There is no explanation as to the circumstances behind this birth. For all you know, she could be married, but her husband is deployed, so her best friend wants to be there for her. And nothing here says she can't handle parenthood. I know that if m husband weren't able to be there, I'd want my best friend with me. That doesn't mean I won't be a good parent. You guys are beyond ignorant and I pray to God you never have children. OP, yeah this does suck, but like #4 says, your boss isn't obligated to let you off. Sorry

Yes, we don't know the circumstances... and, yes, I'm sure I'd want my best friend there if my significant other couldn't be, but they're saying that if she can't handle having the kid without the friend there, they probably shouldn't be having a kid... which is true. You don't always have people supporting you and cheering you on and holding your hand- its all you sometimes.

Yea sometimes it's all you...but in cases like giving birth it simply shouldn't be. One of my friends had her baby while her husband was deployed, they were stationed in Germany and her Mom flew all the way out here from Michigan for a whole month to make sure she wouldn't be alone when the baby came! So I think saying "If you can't have a baby by yourself you shouldn't be having kids at all" is plain simply stupid in my opinion. A birth is not an easy thing to go through...worst case scenario: something happens to the baby! Maybe it dies, maybe it'll be in a very critical condition (*knockonwood*)...I think everyone would prefer having family or friends around them while giving birth instead of just doctors and nurses...

kbiz 0

it sucks, but also you have a job where you get paid to do something. I know babies don't come on a schedule but sometimes your boss just can't let you leave if there's no one to pick up your slack.

punkgal 0

**** that i would have left anyway

You should have said you were the father. Say you are female like Lady Gaga or Castor Semenya.

This is why it's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. As in, call in sick on day-of, and when you return, say "Sorry I called in last minute - important family business at the hospital". They can't MAKE you say why you weren't in. Everyone gets a legitimate emergency day once in a while. And, I've been the chick stood up at the hospital. It sucks. Fortunately, my husband was able to be with me, but I was with a doctor I'd never met before, and my midwife didn't have privileges at the hospital I was transferred to. It was a really, REALLY hard time. I'm sorry your friend had to go through that.

MissNat_fml 0

aw that sucks, i know the feeling :( my mom and partner were 2-3 hours late after i called them that i was in labor (i was already at the hospital). and to all the igorant people who say "plan it better" of for the momma to "deal with it herself, or she cant handle raising the kid", ffs its called support it is an emotional thing to go through! get over yourselves. and yes i am a mother. FYL OP and ur friends. hope u skip work to be there for her xx

SilverXeno 0

Legally they cannot keep you at work. You *can* leave.

ozymandias_fml 0

Not true at all. Some jobs, and not just the military can keep you. I can think of more than a few jobs where it would actually be *illegal* to leave the job without permission.

I'll just assume everyone who thinks she should get over it, is a guy.

ozymandias_fml 0

What a sexist thing to say. There are logical women, too. Men don't have a lock on common sense.

skybeau 0

#46 - I totally agree. Men should be the ones having babies! Wouldn't that be fun? And to everyone saying women should be able to have babies on their own - yes, it's definately possible for us to do that, but it's a scary thing when a miniature human is forcing its way out of your genitals. I know all those "manly men" would be fine and just squeeze the baby out on their way to work, but for us women, we prefer having someone there. OP - I'm sorry that you couldn't be there with your friend. I hope the birth went well!

CyclonePsycho 1

"This is why men should be the ones having kids, not females." Cyclone Psycho approves of this plan. *thumbs up*

Hunnibum 0

only thing is, men seem to think they're definition of "common sense" is the only one.

no, men should NOT be having children. they would be whinier than girls about it. and they also have no maternal instinct. and guys, seriously, quit being such assholes about it. you don't know the circumstances and you can't assume she's whiney and weak just cause she's a woman. that's called, uh, sexism? and childbirth is just the kind of thing that you want people to be there with you during?

I'm just going to assume that all these men who think women are so terrible are literally homosexual.

Hunnibum 0

they could never handle it. they'd die. it's proven in evolution...women can deal with pain better. the ones who couldn't died out.

Prawn_fml 2

Men don't have maternal instincts? I'm sure the protectiveness inherent in many men stem from somewhere. Men couldn't handle birth, having a mere ninth of the pain treshhold a woman has, but well, if they were built to be able to give birth, they probably would have more pain resistance, so that point is moot.

Wow, holy shit you guys are ignorant. 1) Men have a higher pain tolerance than women. It's proven. 2) Women's bodies release endorphins at the time of birth to better handle the pain. If men gave birth, you'd have to assume endorphins would be released, and they'd take it better than women.

@46 squeeze it out on the way to work? please.. we all know any guy that gave birth would be on the found screaming like they were being slaughtered and exorcised

You should have told a white lie and said she was a family member from the start.

jw90 18

I agree your boss is a jackass. But he/she techanically doesn't have to let you cuz it's not family related. Now if you would have said it was your sis, different story.