By JillianJuneBug - 21/12/2014 21:15 - United States - Standish

Today, my school textbook's back cover ripped off. Not wanting to have my teacher find out, I glued the cover back together. Only after the glue dried did I realize that I actually glued the back cover upside down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 362
You deserved it 25 339

JillianJuneBug tells us more.

JillianJuneBug 39

Hey this is OP, I made an account to comment and shed a little light on the situation. Yes, I go to public school, and yes we have to pay fines for damaged or missing books. The thing is, the back cover was only barely hanging on and it snapped off while I was taking it out of my bag. I put down in the original FML that it came off due to being worn.

Top comments

Just tell the teacher not to judge your book by its cover.


MzZombicidal 36

All of that's just unfortunate. Just rip it off and redo it. Better it be crappy and correct rather than crappy and upside down. :P

Wait, if the cover is upside down...then that means either the inside of the cover is facing out or op glued the edge of the cover inside and has the ripped section exposed. YDI for that one

jbombdighetty 11

33 I think you replied to #1's comment by mistake.

52 - I think 33's just pointing out that it's not simply 'unfortunate', it's damn right idiotic. It's really difficult to glue a cover on back to front accidentally because it just wouldn't match up.

to 52 and 59, 33 just wanted more people to see his comment so he replied to #1.

Dumbass * always start off with a capital letter sir.

I think there was a manufacturing error in the making of OP

Maybe you should stay in school a little longer if you can't even tell the cover is upside down... YDI

Simple mistake, doesn't effect their level of intelligence

I'm sure you've made mistakes like that all the time. schools not gonna help them. they don't have a class specifically for "how to glue the back of a book on properly"

Just tell the teacher what happened, they'll understand. Plan B: Use glue remover then re-glue the cover the right way.

welp its just a book.. and just the cover.. nothing much will happen

Nothing much other than fines for damaging the book. Since OP didn't want the teacher to know, I would assume they are in a public school where they borrow the textbooks and only have to pay if they lose or damage them.

You could of just told your teacher and dealt with it that way!!

Take it off, re-glue it, and tell the teacher what happened. Hopefully they'll understand.

Should have been honest if it wasn't your fault. Hopefully they understand. (: