By gorgeousrenthead - 10/08/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my parents decided to visit me. When I first got my apartment I gave them a key "just in case" and today they used this key to enter when I didn't answer their knocking. I didn't answer because I was having sex with my boyfriend. My parents saw everything. They didn't know I was gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 445
You deserved it 30 037

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Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

I think you where being a bit anal giving your parents the key. . .


get over it buddy there are gay people in the world. All the power to you man, it sucks thats how they had to find out but atleast it'll save you commin out...ignore all the pricks who are giving you shit for being gay, if they don't like it they dont have to look. :) good luck with the parents and everything.

Some of these homophobic comments make me lose faith in the human race. Is it really necessary to start with the name-calling and the rudeness? You're making yourself look silly and ignorant. And, I mean, for God's's a silly website. Is this really the place to start attacking people? It totally baffles me.

@Singing_oddity: It makes them feel better about themselves. is a cesspool of children and homophobia. OP: This is why you do not give your emergency key to your parents. FYL that your parents walked in on you, though. I wouldn't even begin to know how to start THAT conversation. Next time, try giving the key to a neighbor you trust or a really close friend. Good luck with your parents.

i'd say this is a true fml. good luck with the damage control!

HAHAHAHAHA So many homophobic comments. Looks like redneck land just got internet access.

CheshireHalli 19

I take offense to that... ;_; I'm in one of the most "redneck" places, but not all of us have views like this... So unfair... lol

I think that comment is just as close minded and judgmental as the homophobic comments. Hypocrisy FTW.

What should happen is that, people need to stop being naziss, and learn that what's really indecent is wishing death on others.

and we should all dance under the rainbow and there should be world peace... but yea u are right #80

TriniRockStar 0

bad idea giving your parents a key shame on you

you are so unbelievably cool, my friend. making fun of gays on the internet? wow. you must have oodles of friends.

letitbe56 0

FYL! I would get angry with my parents for not calling first, even if all I was doing was watching TV. Just goes to show that no matter how old you are, your parents will feel it is their natural parental right and duty to invade your privacy.

maybe you should get your key back. it is so wrong for them to just walk into your apt. how many time have they done that without you knowing? creepy.