By PhoenixChick - 08/09/2015 18:54 - United States - Champaign

Today, my mother-in-law got her driver's license, despite being prone to fainting, seizures, and being on so much medication that she sometimes forgets where she is. She now wants to drive us to all our family functions, and my father-in-law won't object because he doesn't want to damage her self-esteem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 645
You deserved it 1 843

PhoenixChick tells us more.

Hey, OP here! You know, this might be a comment thread that saves lives. I had already decided to put my foot down on me or my husband ever riding with MIL, but...I hadn't thought about everyone else. And now I have. I do not live with my in-laws, but we live in the same town and I cannot drive at night so it gets awkward to refuse their offers when my husband can't take me somewhere. Funny thing is, there is no legal restrictions on my driving,the DMV keeps insisting I'm fine, but I know that my contacts and retinal disease give me issues with headlights and therefore I shouldn't. I'm fine during the day, but stay off the road at night. I'm careful because my eye disease is from my father, who kept driving at night when he shouldn't. Nearly killed himself in an accident. I know who my MIL's doctor is, and I'm going to call his office. She MUST have lied to the DMV, and I think it'll be easier to talk to her doctor than to the DMV. I just have to brace myself for if she finds out. Thank you all for the help. My in-laws are rather good at manipulation. I've known them for ten years, and they use MIL's medical issues to overrule literally everything. She has serious psych issues, and FIL is very protective of her feelings. To the point of letting her lie to my husband's doctors when he was in the ER because it made MIL "feel useful" to tell the doctor's things about my husband's health. She was making up all kinds of things about my husband's condition when he went in for emergency surgery, and when I corrected her I got yelled at by my father in law for making MIL "feel bad." Nevermind that her lies to the operating surgeon could have gotten my husband seriously hurt or killed. So yeah, this ends now. I'm not going to let her hurt anybody else if I csn help it. Wish me luck, I've got a fight on my hands...

Top comments

Just try and make an excuse to drive yourself or to be in a different car, if you can't though, just try and break it to her easy. I would rather hurt her feelings than be in a fatal crash. You're stuck between a rock and a hard place OP. FYL

little_star78 13


AbortionSurvivor 13

Isn't there a law against getting a drivers licence if you are prone to seizures? I used to work with a guy who legally couldn't get one because he suffered from epilepsy

Your suggestion might be it's a personal matter...I would rather go alone....

She'll damage a lot more than self-esteem when this leads to an accident. Do everything you can to stop her driving, or at least don't get in the car with her.

OP, I signed up just to comment on this. Last December a garbage truck went out of control and killed 6 pedestrians in Glasgow. The driver had lied to his bosses about his fainting condition. You need to look beyond your MIL's ego and think about the folk she could kill. Anonymous tip to DMV or Dr?

She really does need to know that she could be a danger on the road not only to herself but also to others. It's better to be honest and maybe hurt her feelings a bit before an accident happens

Why are you living with your mother in law and your father in law?

Hey, OP here! You know, this might be a comment thread that saves lives. I had already decided to put my foot down on me or my husband ever riding with MIL, but...I hadn't thought about everyone else. And now I have. I do not live with my in-laws, but we live in the same town and I cannot drive at night so it gets awkward to refuse their offers when my husband can't take me somewhere. Funny thing is, there is no legal restrictions on my driving,the DMV keeps insisting I'm fine, but I know that my contacts and retinal disease give me issues with headlights and therefore I shouldn't. I'm fine during the day, but stay off the road at night. I'm careful because my eye disease is from my father, who kept driving at night when he shouldn't. Nearly killed himself in an accident. I know who my MIL's doctor is, and I'm going to call his office. She MUST have lied to the DMV, and I think it'll be easier to talk to her doctor than to the DMV. I just have to brace myself for if she finds out. Thank you all for the help. My in-laws are rather good at manipulation. I've known them for ten years, and they use MIL's medical issues to overrule literally everything. She has serious psych issues, and FIL is very protective of her feelings. To the point of letting her lie to my husband's doctors when he was in the ER because it made MIL "feel useful" to tell the doctor's things about my husband's health. She was making up all kinds of things about my husband's condition when he went in for emergency surgery, and when I corrected her I got yelled at by my father in law for making MIL "feel bad." Nevermind that her lies to the operating surgeon could have gotten my husband seriously hurt or killed. So yeah, this ends now. I'm not going to let her hurt anybody else if I csn help it. Wish me luck, I've got a fight on my hands...

You should put your foot down! My MIL just had 3 major back surgeries and she tried to come by and pick up my daughter, even though she hadn't been cleared to drive. She is on heavy pain meds. I turned her away didn't even let her in the house and called her doctor. She doesn't speak to me now but that is OK. My daughter and the lives of others are far more important than her feelings.

thatonetribute 31

Don't let the inlaws rule over your life, OP! They don't own you or your husband.

Stand your ground! There is no reason for her to be driving and putting other lives at risk. I cannot believe she lied to her son's surgeon. That's so dangerous. (which you already know)

Good luck! In laws are hard sometimes but lives matter more then her feelings so good luck!

Good! Stand your ground and don't give even an inch!

I'm... speechless. She LIED to a surgeon operating on her SON to FEEL good? Does she not have any sense at all? He could have died. That's her son! I can't imagine a mother who would ever willingly place their children in harm's way, but also can't imagine someone being that unutterably STUPID. Thank you for trying to mitigate the damage she causes, and for donning the gauntlets and getting ready for a fight. The FML community is behind you on this one.

Well...I don't want to be cliche, but she is actually his Stepmother. That really isn't the reason though, I think she honestly really believes everything she says is true, especially because my FIL will always, always back her up rather than cause a fight. Although it's funny how every lie she tells or every past history she reinvents is a fiction to make her look better. Like how she forgets she refused to let my husband learn to drive as a kid, and now brags to me about how well she taught him. She's very confrontational about it. I don't know if it's the psych issues or the pain meds that make her make things up but it's scary to watch.

I do not drive at night because of bad night blindness either. I understand. Hope everything gets taken care of.

*clap clap clap* Go, OP, Go!!! We've all got your back! :) I've dealt with driving issues with my grandma, and with her friends. I came from a very rural, very aged community. One of my grandma's friends was in an accident caused by age-related driving issues. She hit a high school kid (in his truck). It was low speed, thank god. Shook people up though. And scary thing was she was adamant that she didn't cause it - because she was so unaware, that she legitimately didn't realize what she'd done. It also is not terribly surprising to hear of elderly drivers driving the wrong way on the interstate, highways, roads, on/off ramps. I remember a handful of deaths (of elderly drivers, and of the drivers killing other people) caused by wrong-way driving, where the driver was completely unaware they were going the wrong way. I knew a past-retirement-age high school teacher die of a heart attack while driving on the highway, during morning commute. It was a sad thing, but also very fortunate it remained a single-car vehicle. And then, there's the people driving 20-30 mph on 65-75 mph highways...... One of my grandmas quite willingly gave up driving and her vehicle. The other talked to me about how horrible it was for everyone else to drive her. Her doctor intervened (thank god), and she's not supposed to drive anymore. She recognized that it was dangerous for her to, and recognized that it could put others in danger. But part of her still wanted to drive because of the independence factor. I think for a while, though, she'd still go for a spin. She doesn't anymore. It's sad. It really is. My heart aches for her. But my heart would ache a trillion times more if she ended up in an accident - especially one that would hurt her or, god forbid, someone else. Be strong. Don't back down. And know that what you're doing is for the greater good! :)

If her psych issues are bad enough she believes her own stories, then FIL should not be allowed to be her caretaker. If she's just lying and knows it, it's even creepier and sounds sociopathic. No regard for others safety, only her own image? Scary.

There are people with psych issues who are pathological liars and can't help but lie and enjoy it. She's being ridiculous OP. Good Luck with everything she sounds like she's gonna be tough especially if she lies about a lot. We support you Op!!

People sometimes forget that cars can be/are a weapon

in most states if you have had more than one seizure you cannot drive period I would contact the DMV to find out the process to get this woman's license revoked this is not an uncommon problem

fsociety 3


She is not allowed to drive! Cousin of mine is prone to just seizures, and even though he take medication for it, he is not allowed to drive. Please do something and do not let her on the road. Call the DMV and make them send her a Request for a Doctors Note for driving. Please!

if your cousin can't drive despite being on medication then they haven't been able to go 6 months without having a seizure. my brother has epilepsy and can drive as long as he continues his meds and has no seizures.