By vrossie_ - 08/09/2013 05:56 - United States

Today, my mom was sharing the story of how I was born with the umbilical cord around my neck. My sister added that it was God's first attempt to kill me off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 751
You deserved it 4 208

vrossie_ tells us more.

vrossie_ 15

Yea it was clever. I shared it to my Biology class and they all laughed.

Top comments

If she's your big sister, tell her that you were God's attempt to make up for the mistake he made when he created her ;)


23Z9TZO 18

Your sister is pretty funny as much as that sucked to hear can you blame her for the perfect timing its like you taking a perfect that's what she said opportunity you ain't gunna waste it

You need to start planning how to ruin your sister's wedding asap.

my sister was born the same way. Except it was chocking her. She came out blue. The doctors said that if she was in there another 30 seconds, she would have died.

nevershouttami 11

You have a smartass sister, consider yourself lucky

vrossie_ 15

Uh you would have to meet her. Then you would no longer consider myself lucky. haha