By SadBride - 08/09/2015 00:39 - United States

Today, my in-laws decided they were going to stay an extra week during our vacation to Dominican Republic next year. This would be fine, if we weren't travelling for our destination wedding, and the extra week wasn't our honeymoon. They are literally joining us on our honeymoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 344
You deserved it 2 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about just telling them no? you gotta set the boundaries early on, or they'll just do as they please and never respect you.

Just copulate aggressively and loudly the first night and see if they still want to join you for the next six days.


Jesus Christ, grow some gonads and tell them no. It's really not very hard.

Oh the in-laws...can't seem to let go... The advantage of the Dominican Republic is that the island is cut in half...maybe Haiti would be just as nice..

tell them no. if you don't put your foot now, they are going to walk all over you for the rest of your marriage

good luck OP. hopefully they don't turn out to be in-laws from hell!

You have to brick wall them. We believe in you!

I had an island destination wedding too. What we did was tell everyone that if they wanted to have a longer stay, that's fine but to do it at another resort. There usually enough separation in DR between properties that you are insulated from one another if someone stays. You could try this approach so they can still have a vacation and you can be alone on your honeymoon.

thatonetribute 31

Just say no, OP. It isn't rude. They are invading your space! All they want is vacation time, obviously. Tell them to get lost, and enjoy the honeymoon like you deserve.

This should be a deal breaker. Next thing you know, they'll be moving into your house. If you allow it, you deserve it.

Dear Poster, Are your in-laws-to-be Desi?