By SadBride - 08/09/2015 00:39 - United States

Today, my in-laws decided they were going to stay an extra week during our vacation to Dominican Republic next year. This would be fine, if we weren't travelling for our destination wedding, and the extra week wasn't our honeymoon. They are literally joining us on our honeymoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 344
You deserved it 2 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about just telling them no? you gotta set the boundaries early on, or they'll just do as they please and never respect you.

Just copulate aggressively and loudly the first night and see if they still want to join you for the next six days.


Sounds like my mother in law. Get ready, it just gets better. Just get used to them being around... Like, All. The. Time. Sorry OP.

If they're not actually staying WITH you that additional week then you should just deal. Getting to destination weddings is expensive, it makes sense they would want to stay extra time and see something other than your wedding.

Maybe they just want to continue their vacation since they will already be there. Just call the resort and have your room as far from theirs as possible. Plan your activities as if they weren't there and tell them you'll meet them for dinner one or two nights. Otherwise, just avoid them.

I think that you should put your foot down, hun. This about YOUR wedding and honeymoon, not a holiday for your in-laws. It's just a line that I wouldn't let my in-laws, or parents for that matter, cross.

Yet another entry on a long list o reasons why I personally consider destination weddings pointless.

Op just tell them straight up that it is not okay with you/your fiancé. It's much easier to argue about now than when the wedding gets closer.

You're marrying yer man. Not his family. They don't get to decide if they are going to go to yer honeymoon. Stand up for yerself.