By ninjakomodo - 13/11/2012 21:16 - United States

Today, my English professor accused me of plagiarizing a poem I submitted, because she'd read it online earlier that day. The poem was mine; I posted it after writing it for her class, and even after logging into the site to prove it, she reported me to the school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 185
You deserved it 2 750

ninjakomodo tells us more.

OP here, just for all of the people talking about self plagiarism, I checked. My university does not have that clause anywhere within the rules. I read through the entire thing and even checked with the legal department. I'm sure they will put it in after this. I have gone to the dean and they have forced the teacher to drop the case and give me the grade I deserved. They also decided, due to suggestion of the department head, that the department head himself will be grading everything that I submit to that teacher for the rest of the semester, and that I will not be able to take classes with that teacher anymore. I'm sure they will be evaluating their plagiarism rules more, and putting in a clause for self plagiarism, but we will see what happens. Luckily, I only have 2 more semesters there before I'm out of that school for good.

Top comments

Sometimes teachers are not as bright as you expect them to be.

What a bitch, I'm sure the head of your department will believe you


internetqueen 1

Unbelievable. Hopefully the higher ups in the school will understand. I feel so bad for you! :(

shrdlu 28

What if I take a piece I'd submitted for a different class a while ago, and revise it? Does there have to be a certain percentage of new material, or what? According to the college guidelines, I mean.

How dare you plagiarize your own work! You should know better then that! Kidding

Know what's funny? I would go to my parents first, explain the whole situation and add an extra "they said they're going to kick me out of school". Then I'll watch the battle from afar.

kylebownsyou 4

You do bit is possible to plagiarize yourself right? If you don't site your own work.

ratatat234 4


sorry that you went through that. can't believe there is such thing as self-plagiarism,well in my school that is. hope everything went well

That's when you show the school your evidence and hopefully they're not all irrational about it like she was.

TcheQ 12

Post the FML to the same site youposted your poem, then send her, the head of the school and the complaints department the link.