By savannahsboxxx - 11/07/2015 12:09 - United States

Today, my dog brought me a a dead rabbit. It so happened to be the rabbit a group of neighborhood kids were looking for after they lost it yesterday. I just had to hide a body for my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 058
You deserved it 2 495

savannahsboxxx tells us more.

I love my phone any who they came out and said she'll have to pass a test or she'll have to go on a dangerous dog list. I personally will know she'll pass but it's not like I trained her to kill there rabbit it was animal instant. It happened in my yard while she was on a tie out. so it's there fault for not being responsible with there rabbit.

Top comments

Maybe the dog didn't kill the rabbit and just found it.

And this is the Origin story for one of the worlds most vicious organized crime lords.


What a Pit-y... But remember, some day you can ask the dog a biiig favour...

It's a dog's natural instinct, don't worry. My border collie brings us rabbits she's killed all the time, although it's worth noting that they're wild and this isn't frowned upon, but encouraged.

Dogs can't tell the difference between a wild rabbit and a pet rabbit. It sucks what happened to their pet but it was more or less their fault for letting the bunny run away so many times.

You're very right, it is unfortunate that some can't tell the difference... Depending on their upbringing. To ensure no confusion, some can, one of the times my dog brought me a rabbit was when I asked her to. This wild one had managed to get into my guinea pig pen, afraid that it might be carrying disease I got her get away from them. She can tell the difference but this is from years of living with them, despite them looking similar. But yes, it's unfortunate for the poor rabbit and owner.

You had to hide a murder committed by your dog...first time I heard that

Mooglefox 23

This is how everything starts. You hide one body, then another...

LazyLion 12
buymevickis92 26

"And then that's when I started to get addicted to hiding bodies, I can't stop."

A friend will help you move. A real friend will help you move the body. Looks like your dog has one.

You could put its body on their yard and they'll think a wild animal got it

Personally I'd at least tell the parents their kids rabbit is dead. Then let them break it to the kids. Don't need to mention it was your dog, just say you found it by the road or something. Leaving them to keep looking and hoping it would come back just wouldn't sit right with me.