By savannahsboxxx - 11/07/2015 12:09 - United States

Today, my dog brought me a a dead rabbit. It so happened to be the rabbit a group of neighborhood kids were looking for after they lost it yesterday. I just had to hide a body for my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 058
You deserved it 2 495

savannahsboxxx tells us more.

I love my phone any who they came out and said she'll have to pass a test or she'll have to go on a dangerous dog list. I personally will know she'll pass but it's not like I trained her to kill there rabbit it was animal instant. It happened in my yard while she was on a tie out. so it's there fault for not being responsible with there rabbit.

Top comments

Maybe the dog didn't kill the rabbit and just found it.

And this is the Origin story for one of the worlds most vicious organized crime lords.


Rabbits are prey animals. Dogs are predators. If the rabbit got loose on the dog's property, then nature did what nature does. If the dog got loose on the rabbit's property, then OP loosed "the fox in the hen house".

Honestly the rabbit could of started it. Some of them are straight up jackasses. My sister had one and it would bite the shit out of my lab all the time and my lab just learned to avoid it but the dog may have done something like sniff the rabbit and it could have kicked or bit the dog and then the dog bit back and that was the end of that. But OP you're right you owe them nothing. It's not yours or your dogs fault that they're shitty pet owners.

One day your dog will have to do the same. Hopefully not a human body, hopefully not at all

you can call your dog the dog father

you mean your ex dog? break up with his ass, op

A friend will help you hide but only a good friend will help you hide a body....sorry hun.

Personally not a fan of pit bulls (for a variety of reasons, but I digress.) But it sounds parents should have got a better cage, and told the kids how to handle the rabbit so the didn't keep losing him/her. They even have harnesses and leashes for rabbits now, so anything about how it would have limited play is BS. The kids obviously weren't very responsible to begin with, if they lost said rabbit SIX TIMES. My mother would have given away any pet that I'd lost even half as many times. I hope your furbaby passes her test, and that those jacka**es don't spread malicious rumors about you two.

In my experiance with dogs, just about any dog will attack a small furry thing trying to run away from it. I doubt the rabbits death had anything to do with the breed of you dog.

hdiane226 15

it's their not there Their: ownership There: pointing something out They're: They are