By wow - 02/11/2014 15:23 - United States - Gainesville

Today, my daughter mentioned that she didn't need to work because she could convert a dollar to 13 Mexican pesos and convert it back into "13 USD", over and over again. She's 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 109
You deserved it 5 236

Same thing different taste


Beverly Hillbillies comes to mind. Jethro Bodine?

tiffanyslapp 18
Steve95401 49

Did your daughter use to work in Accounting for Enron?

toomanyidiots 14

It sounds like she's thinking of arbitrage. But I think she made a mistake somewhere down that train of thought, because she won't earn any money exchanging currency unless she's the one working at the bank.

She's not "thinking of arbitrage". I wouldn't bet she's thinking at all. Clearly she's just stupid.

Maybe switch her to a regular high school instead of home schooling?

I wouldn't leap to the conclusion she's home-schooled. Economics and finance education in US school curriculum is basically nonexistent. It's done that way deliberately, because the political establishment doesn't want our young folks figuring out how screwed they are.

Honestly that's not always sound advice. I was home schooled and I'm almost done with my civil engineering degree, my younger sister went to public school and managed to graduate having failed algebra twice and never even taking geometry. "extra credit for a passing grade" despite literally never showing up for class

6demon6spawn6 12

If its your kid, then its your fault.

She's not entirely wrong; there's a whole industry where they just buy and sell currency for profit (essentially from predicting appreciation or depreciation). Of course, it's not nearly as simple as her idea, and you need a lot of money to make it work...

foxmatrix15 8

Dammit tell her the circle. 1 = 13. And 13 = 1. That will snap her back to reality. Don't just insult her mentality!!!

ShadowlessSpear 21

If she couldn't figure that out on her own, then any insult anyone could make here wouldn't even scratch the surface of her dumbassery.