By fever15 - 25/04/2011 13:16 - Koweït

Today, my boyfriend’s mom begged me to not leave him before we graduate. After that, I have her blessing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 597
You deserved it 50

Top comments

Well OP, it's been 5 years...did you dump him?

No, not only did she agree to stay with him, but he still hasn't graduated. It's an odd situation.


Where you planning to or something? Or is she just one of those crazy moms who hates tou?

Well OP, it's been 5 years...did you dump him?

No, not only did she agree to stay with him, but he still hasn't graduated. It's an odd situation.

**** that. She doesn't control you. Leave.

why is this from 2011 if its from the most recent FMLs?

drayloon 50

The FML World posts are translated from old posts on sister sites in different languages

Justinspires 5
Tsumetai_ 11

I can kinda understand why the boyfriends mom asked the girlfriend not to dump him before he graduates, cause going through a breakup is rough and can affect his grades. That said it's not fair to her to be guilted into staying in a relationship she doesn't want to be in. Her feelings is important too, and if she wants to break up with the guy, she should.

This ACHES for a follow up! After 5 years, what happened? We may never know...