By sincerely - 03/06/2010 04:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend finally called me after a week of barely any communication. He wanted to talk to my brother about Call of Duty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 678
You deserved it 5 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deepfrey 0

Meh, these CoD FMLs are getting boring, and becoming the same.

FYLDeep 25

Ever spend a week completely busy doing work, school, etc, then when you have time off you don't really have anything to say to your friends. The conversation is really boring like: "Hey, what's up?" "Been busy this whole week." "So you do anything interesting?" "Noo..." Especially in this case if it's someone you know really well like a girlfriend. You're just not going to have anything worth talking about. If you really want to talk and stuff, go out and do something together. He probably just didn't want to get lost in some boring conversation with no point.


Dump. I am a severe nerd, and a gamer, but I have never let that get in the way of spending time with my girl. Anyone who can't find a medium isn't ready for a relationship. I'm sure he'll play plenty after you dump him.

yaknowiverse 0

**** it. start playing COD. it's awesome!

I wouldn't put too much pressure on your bf, it really just seems like you two have had a slow week with nothing to do. I mean if hes been playing CoD all week then maybe thats what he wants to talk about and he knows your not interested so he talks to someone who is interested. You could always call him up and ask to hangout? Maybe play CoD and take an interest in what he likes. He might do the same for you.

Empoleon123 6

I agree with you, call of duty sucks