By Needasafe1234 - 25/09/2009 15:24 - United States

Today, it was my mother's birthday. My 5 year old brother and 85 year old grandma decided to decorate the house with balloons and a blow up "people" they found in my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 029
You deserved it 46 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DoomJeff91 2

Why'd you have a demolition crew in your bedroom?..... Oh.


Also, does it matter how he gets his rocks off? Nice of everyone to judge OP and just assume things of him based off this story. No, really, you guys aren't at all shallow *****. Keep it up.

You live at home and have MULTIPLE blow-up dolls in a bad hiding spot. I've said it before, FML needs a "never happened" button.

What do you mean by people? And to you idiots who think he's like 30 because his grandma is 85. My friend's grandma is 82 and he is 13 so suck that shit.

HayItsHaley 0

We're not talking about proper grammar. We're talking about having blow-up doll orgies with condoms(:

avcureton_101 0

That has got to be one of the sickest of the funniest things i have ever heard!! LMAO... FYL

I had to read this like 3 times before I realized what the OP meant. Dude! More than one??? What the heck you doin' with all those accessories???

your grandma is 85. your lil brother is 5. how old are you and your mom? that's a really large age gap