By Gibs - 17/05/2017 21:00 - Brazil

Today, in my first month at the gym, I was running on the treadmill when my washcloth fell to the floor. Without thinking much, I bent down to get it, lost my balance and took the biggest fall. I no longer have the courage to go there, and I already paid a biannual package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 477
You deserved it 1 421

Top comments

Druu 53

So you had a little mishap. No need to feel self conscious about it. Go back to the gym and own it! You do you.

YDI not for falling (shit happens) but for having no courage. Just go because tomorrow no one will remember.


Druu 53

So you had a little mishap. No need to feel self conscious about it. Go back to the gym and own it! You do you.

YDI not for falling (shit happens) but for having no courage. Just go because tomorrow no one will remember.

If you are that self-conscious about that, go at a different time so there will be different staff and customers there!

Seriously? Sorry OP can't feel for you. You might think you judt had the biggest fall ever, but it is most likely that you didn't even make their top10. Just take a few days off for your body and go again, they have already forgotten about it and so should you.

The old saying was, never bend over to pick up the SOAP! Towels and washcloths are not included. Get back in there and exercise!

chessu 21

If you need to, give it a week just in case, but I promise you it's really not that big of a deal. The gym probably has hundreds of members so the chances of you being in there with the exact same bunch is incredibly unlikely. And even if it is - I for instance always try to avoid making eye contact because I don't want people to think I'm checking them out or judging or anything, and if you make no eye contact you won't really remember the face (unless your gym attire is like bright orange).

That's stupid. You should go back to the gym in disguise, and make small-talk with the other members joking about that asshole who face-planted on the treadmill.

Don't let that stop you! You had the courage to sign up and go there in the first place. We all fall. In all aspects in life. I believe in you OP. You can do it!

I do agree with most of the comments here that you should just laugh it off and go back because it happens to many people. Or if you just are too embarrassed then you can go back at a different time because different time means different people and you don't have to face those again?

SpaceToast 25

I guarantee you, nobody will remember that in a week. If they do, and for some reason decide to pick on you for it, kindly tell them to **** off. :)

Garnetshaddow 30

I'm so sorry OP. That does really suck. I've had my fair share of workout accidents. Some of them took place at the gym I was working at! Even more recently, I took a spill in yoga and nearly swore in the "silent sanctuary." I hope you don't give up. It's awful to feel embarrassed, but you will feel better. Another gym klutz is here cheering for you!