By Anonymous - 07/02/2017 01:54

Today, I woke up in pain. After passing out multiple times I stumbled, terrified, to my mom's room for help. She thought I just wanted to stay home from school so she didn't bother waking me up and left me on the floor. Thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 062
You deserved it 560

swervelol tells us more.

Wow two FML's in a row its been a rough few weeks! This was my FML, (not sure why FML has been so buggy and not showing me as the OP on either of mine) thanks for the concern guys!! I'm doing alright now, and I'd like to clarify for the FML. I don't usually get sick ever but turns out I was severely dehydrated and the blood couldn't rush to my head it was causing me to black out and seize and it was pretty terrifying. It had happened early in the morning and I'm up before my mom is for work so she was still asleep when I stumbled in for help. She thought that I just wanted her to let me stay home from school because I was sick and didn't really give it any second thought and I got so weak I fell down and couldn't get up from the floor. Somehow I made it back to my bed and blacked out again and my mom left for work she said apparently I was nearly unresponsive because I couldn't open my eyes or speak coherently when she tried talking to me. A few hours later though she managed to wake me up with a phone call saying she felt terrible that she left me home alone and was coming back to bring me to the hospital. The hospital staff were not happy that I wasn't drinking enough water, and I was a little angry that I was there because I felt alright after I woke up again and I didn't like the way they treated me like some delicate flower. So live and learn I guess my mom won't be sleeping the next time I'm sick haha.

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To the people asking if OP is okay, I'd like to point out that this FML exists. I'm gonna guess they're fine, if they're well enough to have posted this online.


Wow, I hope she feels terrible. Hope you're feeling better now though!

species4872 19

By your picture you look like a box is about to arrive.

Well, at least she was right in the way that you probably really did not want to go to school.

well she could have bitched at you and forced you to go.

To the people asking if OP is okay, I'd like to point out that this FML exists. I'm gonna guess they're fine, if they're well enough to have posted this online.

Fireant_man 6

She doesn't like you but you cant blame her as you are a loser and no body likes you

Turtleizer567 1

Fireant_man, wtf makes you think you have any right to say that to someone?

Fireant_man 6

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Fireant_man 6

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Fireant_man 6

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blackrose1996 11

Did not mean to thumbs up you

Wow two FML's in a row its been a rough few weeks! This was my FML, (not sure why FML has been so buggy and not showing me as the OP on either of mine) thanks for the concern guys!! I'm doing alright now, and I'd like to clarify for the FML. I don't usually get sick ever but turns out I was severely dehydrated and the blood couldn't rush to my head it was causing me to black out and seize and it was pretty terrifying. It had happened early in the morning and I'm up before my mom is for work so she was still asleep when I stumbled in for help. She thought that I just wanted her to let me stay home from school because I was sick and didn't really give it any second thought and I got so weak I fell down and couldn't get up from the floor. Somehow I made it back to my bed and blacked out again and my mom left for work she said apparently I was nearly unresponsive because I couldn't open my eyes or speak coherently when she tried talking to me. A few hours later though she managed to wake me up with a phone call saying she felt terrible that she left me home alone and was coming back to bring me to the hospital. The hospital staff were not happy that I wasn't drinking enough water, and I was a little angry that I was there because I felt alright after I woke up again and I didn't like the way they treated me like some delicate flower. So live and learn I guess my mom won't be sleeping the next time I'm sick haha.

I have something called P.O.T.S. (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). That's basically a fancy way of saying my heart is weird and makes me faint really easily. So I know how scary it can be to continuously faint! Glad you're feeling better!

That used to happen to me frequently when I was underweight. It can seem incredibly scary to both you and others but it's remedied by rest, hydration and proper eating habits usually, even when it's considered vaso-vagal. Glad you're okay now.

Your mom sounds... uncaring. Sorry to say.

neuronerd 28

There's a huge difference between "she left me on the floor after passing out" like you indicated happened in your FML, and "I went back to bed and she let me sleep," which seems to be what actually happened according to your follow up. I'm sure she felt bad enough for not understanding the severity of the situation and letting you sleep, but you went and told thousands of people she's neglectful and potentially abusive.

mrswombat 16

Been there! The first time I passed out from low blood sugar I tried to wake my grandmother and she just told me to go back to sleep. She has no recollection of this and felt horrible! Thankfully, I don't have issues with it often. Although, it once made a transatlantic flight quite interesting.

I feel like we need some Parenting 101 intervention here. She really needs to trust you more.