By Mehokaay - 25/12/2016 04:23 - United States - Pearland

Today, I was working Xmas Eve. The managers let themselves off today leaving me, a severely inadequately trained employee, to handle the department. Of course the first customer interaction ended with me bursting into tears, all because I blew up her life-sized storm trooper balloon wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 739
You deserved it 860

Mehokaay tells us more.

Mehokaay 14

Wow my first fml. Let me try explain my stupidity. So I work in the floral department at a grocery store. Yes I have blown up regular balloons but never the life size ones. I had seen 1 time before of a coworker using a manual air inflator in one we had on display, so I just assumed we'd use it in all parts. The lady was hovering over me the entire time so that added to me being nervous. I finished and realized I had to put weights on it...and that's when I realized I did something wrong. The lady was yelling at me "What is wrong?!" Like she could even help. And then commanding I get someone over here who knows what goes in it, (but all my floral managers were not here) and I told her that so she proceeded to tell me to call another store...Long story short she was really mad at me understandably for the amount of time I took. And I did tell her from the beginning I've never done one of these before...But luckily there was a coworker in returns who knew how to blow it up so she blew up a new one. It's helium in everything except the gun, and a leg. So it doesn't completely fly away. It doesn't seem difficult at all. Just the anxiety of being watched as you're trying to learn something new. Oh and my title for this fml I was still trying to work on it but accidentally sent it to moderation, whoops

Top comments

If it's one of the life-sized floaters that Party City/similar stores sell then you really have to blow it up in a certain order or deflate it and start all over. The balloons have several inflation valves and then have to be stuck together with the sticky tabs in a specific way or you won't be able to finish it and you'll either pop it or look like a fool trying to fix it. You'd be surprised how psycho people get over balloons...

Although this is a fantastic site, have a look at notalwaysright and notalwaysworking .com and you'll not feel that dumb anymore. Many people can make mistakes even worse after working many years in their job :D Don't worry, you'll make more mistakes and learn and have also awesome customers to weigh out the crazy ones :)


How does one blow up a balloon wrong? That's on her not u, OP. FYL. Hope you get a bonus for that.

You're supposed to use the helium tank. You're not supposed to get on your knees and inflate orally with the lower torso fill tube.

That really sucks OP, but I'm curious how you spelled balloon right in your post, but not in your username.

drayloon 50

I think OP ran out of space for their name and started cutting corners

corky1992 33

How can you blow up a balloon wrong?

If it's one of the life-sized floaters that Party City/similar stores sell then you really have to blow it up in a certain order or deflate it and start all over. The balloons have several inflation valves and then have to be stuck together with the sticky tabs in a specific way or you won't be able to finish it and you'll either pop it or look like a fool trying to fix it. You'd be surprised how psycho people get over balloons...

Party City, right? If you're ever stuck with the life size floaters again, I've only got two tips. Squeeze test, and do them the night before. Those things will last for many hours and they're a pain in the ass to do on a time crunch. Oh, and one last tip, quit the job. There are better ones out there, or at least try to get hired by a family owned company.

You have failed me for the last time, Balloon Person. *force choke*

Mehokaay 14

Wow my first fml. Let me try explain my stupidity. So I work in the floral department at a grocery store. Yes I have blown up regular balloons but never the life size ones. I had seen 1 time before of a coworker using a manual air inflator in one we had on display, so I just assumed we'd use it in all parts. The lady was hovering over me the entire time so that added to me being nervous. I finished and realized I had to put weights on it...and that's when I realized I did something wrong. The lady was yelling at me "What is wrong?!" Like she could even help. And then commanding I get someone over here who knows what goes in it, (but all my floral managers were not here) and I told her that so she proceeded to tell me to call another store...Long story short she was really mad at me understandably for the amount of time I took. And I did tell her from the beginning I've never done one of these before...But luckily there was a coworker in returns who knew how to blow it up so she blew up a new one. It's helium in everything except the gun, and a leg. So it doesn't completely fly away. It doesn't seem difficult at all. Just the anxiety of being watched as you're trying to learn something new. Oh and my title for this fml I was still trying to work on it but accidentally sent it to moderation, whoops

Although this is a fantastic site, have a look at notalwaysright and notalwaysworking .com and you'll not feel that dumb anymore. Many people can make mistakes even worse after working many years in their job :D Don't worry, you'll make more mistakes and learn and have also awesome customers to weigh out the crazy ones :)