By ad4 - 31/01/2011 23:11 - United States

Today, I was woken up by my family surrounding me with breakfast in bed and "Sweet 16" balloons. My birthday is in 3 months, and I'll be 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 183
You deserved it 4 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think your mom would remember the day you were pushed painfully out her genitals... I guess not. FYL anyways

haha thats funny. sucks that they dont know when your birthday is. you should take advantage of this, make it a fun day all about you since its your birthday. then at the end of the day let them know they had the wrong day.


Wow people grow up, who cares if they were late or early point is they forgot the OP's birthday, also it depends how you look at things, they were 9 months late for her 16th birthday, or 3 months early for OP's 17th but confused about the age, either way, it doesn't matter

Some things I read are really hard to believe.

CommonSenseKarma 17

Just go along with it, buddy. That's just one more year you get before they think they have the right to boot you out. Oh, and the presents are a plus. Victoria's Secrets gift cards ftw

That sucks so much... But sorta sounds fake

your family wanted to celebrate your sweet 16 whilst you are still sweet 16.... and.... surprise!!!! you were surprised right?? :)