By christinaannxo - 08/01/2016 08:06 - United States - Valdosta

Today, I was messing around and tried to catch a piece of cereal in my mouth. I accidentally slammed my head on the counter behind my couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 190
You deserved it 8 384

christinaannxo tells us more.

christinaannxo 8

i honestly don't know. I was sitting on the couch eating fruit loops & thought "I'm gonna catch this" tossed a couple, caught them & then when I was feeling lucky BAM, counter. it's all fun & games until you slam the back of your head on a counter. lesson learned! (:

Top comments

Lets hope this doesn't become a serial occurrence


I tried that once with a goldfish and somehow it went straight down my throat when I caught it. The feeling was horrendous

LOL cereal-sly....I'm sorry to hear that hope you're okay bud

gquagmire 17

I feel your pain OP. Maybe you could move the couch a few feet from the counter?

christinaannxo 8

a couple of times before i hit my head, yes! c:

Mom always told me not to play with my food, now i know why.

Based on the comments Im starting to think I am one of very few who just eats their food instead of playing face basketball... faceketball... with it.

This is one of those times I wish I had a GG button.

I thought there was already a notice on the cereal boxes to have people do this only in a clear area, because of potential lawsuit risks...