By crosseyed - 10/06/2009 19:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I was in the cafeteria when I noticed a new worker cleaning a table. As I passed her, she looked up and smiled at me. Thinking she was pulling a funny face, I jokingly crossed my eyes and smiled back. She looked hurt and continued working. Later, she served me my lunch. She was actually cross-eyed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 317
You deserved it 74 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man. I hope you apologized and explained yourself. And even then...


painandpeace 0

FYL because you weren't intentionally trying to be mean to her. People shouldn't be so quick to call someone an asshole....

pinkpooh123 0

If you did tht to me i would fking slap you so hard u fkin bastard

I wonder what she actually gave you.

The fact that you've now probably consumed spit, pubic hair, or fecal matter almost makes this an FYL...almost. YDI.

#100: Are you cross-eyed? If not, then shut up. I personally don't know anybody that's fully cross-eyed, just one person with a lazy eye. If it was in a school cafeteria, especially if the woman was young, I would also assume that she was pulling a face to liven up the atmosphere. People on FML are way too bitchy and quick to judge now, especially over an embarrassing misunderstanding. All that was needed was a sincere apology, and the situation would have resolved itself. It's not like anybody was trying to be mean or hurtful.

rachelbrianna25 0

awh. why would you think that, when you JUST MET HER! jees... people are so rude. especially u.

If I was her, I would have kicked your nuts to Pluto and beyond, you asshole douche bag.

Jimbo2000 0

Damn dude. This is why you never fun of others