By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 19:34 - United States

Today, I was in a movie when my boyfriend sent out a mass text saying that he'd just lost his virginity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 388
You deserved it 4 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Demetra_fml 0

Your boyfriend already posted about his loss of virginity last April: "Today, I came home to find a sock I previously used to whack off on my bed with googly eyes and a mouth drawn on it with a note that read "Because you can't find a real girl, I made your current one prettier, Love Mom." FML


I am guessing that he didn't lose his virginity with you. Bad. I'd sleep with his best friend to teach him a lesson.

SerenaChaos805 0

that reallllyyy sucks... so I'm guessing it wasn't to you..

thatoneGeo 0
hobofdurlife 0

wat a John Mayer puting his n others buisness out ther obviously you dumped the tool right

Bondagebear 0

#8, I absolutely love that.

perdix 29

Does online deep-throating count?

never woulda happened if u were makin him a sammich

Dump him, a guy that needs to prove his masculinity with a mass txt and have his ego stroked with the responses of cellular fist pumps and smutty emoticons should be dating Lucy the hominid. Unless you're staying with him in which case, best wishes and don't procreate, spineless babies look like jellyfish.

Merciless, brutally honest, and vitriol. I love it.

perdix 29

You're lucky. Guys are usually pathetic the first time. Let him get some experience under his belt (heh-heh-heh) before he puts his man-meat to you. You don't want to **** a n00b!