By Kaddiscott - 20/01/2014 10:12 - Italy - Marco

Today, I was in a market in France, and went to ask the seller for some potatoes. I speak fluent French, but I got flustered and instead of saying "pomme de terre", which is the French for potato, I said "pomme de merde". I literally asked for an "apple of shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 679
You deserved it 8 141

Kaddiscott tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. I speak fluent french, I just had a little blunder. This was actually like a few months ago when I was on France on holiday, and yeah the seller gave me a funny look and we had a giggle, but then I said, ooops and that I meant to say potato. It was soooo embarrassing, my parents never let me live it down FML hahahah

Top comments

I'm currently learning another language and I know how a little slip up can make a big difference. A slight change in pronunciation can change "My house has 2 big rooms" to "My sister has 2 big testicles".


I'm sure it's not that bad unless you got what you asked for :O

imani132 6

Haha! Tres amusant. I wonder what his facial expression was

Ha! but how does one word change it from potato top "shit of Apple"???

Either way, you're getting something nutritious

You could have just said "patat". Unless that's only Québec.

So, basically, instead of asking for potatoes, you asked for a company that makes iPhones? Please accept my apologies for the tactless joke.

APPLE OF EARTH!! Lovely potatoes lol