By easrc - 08/09/2009 23:42 - United States

Today, I was doing laundry at college. There was a pile of clothes sitting on top of a dryer, but the dryer was empty so I used it. I came back to a note saying, "Don't touch my laundry, asshole" and a dryer filled with urine soaked laundry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 681
You deserved it 4 847

easrc tells us more.

I don't think you understand-the dryer was EMPTY with someone else's clean, dry laundry on top when I got there. I put my stuff in the the dryer and the idiot thought that I took his clothes out when in fact, it took him so long to get his stuff that SOMEONE ELSE took his clothes out, dried their own, AND took their own laundry out again. To all the people who agree that this is a real FML-Unfortunately the room doesn't have security cameras, but I narrowed it down to 3 possible people based on who I remember being in the hall at the time and the fact that it was mens clothing. The RA and the administration are currently investigating it-hopefully they make the culprit confess!

Top comments

No, that guy was an asshole. Even if you had touched it, Taking someone's stuff out of the dryer after the time is up and leaving it on top is standard practice, and he had no right to be ab asshole about it. If you leave your clothes over time, and you find them on top of the dryer, then thats life, and deal with it. At my school we do that for each other all the time. No one gets upset over it.

thats the nastiest thing eva-sorry dude...


That really sucks. I was doing laundry one time at school and all of the dryers were full, so I waited for someone to get their stuff before I did my laundry. Another person was trying to wait but didn't want to so he took a finished load out and put his stuff in. The offending asshole came back and when he saw someone moved his stuff, he turned off the dryer his stuff was moved from. He left, but I was still there so I turned it back on. A little tip, if you happened to be doing laundry on a weekend, try doing it during the week. Less people do it during the week so obviously more washers are open and you can even avoid dealing with assholes like this.

I always wait for someone to empty a washer or dryer too. Sometimes I wait while 2 or 3 other people take strangers' clothes out of the machines until someone empties their own out. It's also good to do laundry at like 8 in the morning on a Sunday or after midnight on a weekday. There are so many fewer people doing laundry that it's much easier to get a washer (or two!) to yourself.

brilliantbarbie 0

I did 4 years of college...dorm style for 3 of them...let me tell you, after a long night out, no one, and I mean NO ONE wants to get up at 8 00 on a Sunday Morning to do laundry because some inconsiderate ass hole started HIS laundry at 5 on Friday evening and didnt come back til Saturday Morning to get it. If you want to do laundry and you don't want people touching your shit, be a little bit more attentive to it and have some common decency. People have taken my things out of the dryer when they needed it and I accepted it because thats what I would have done. Theres no reason for anyone to have to get u p at such a rediculous time because some other asshole is so damn self important that they think they deserve complete and sole access to a college laundryroom. And NOT FOR NOTHING, people are TOLD about proper laundryroom etiquette...and that its NOT appropriate to let your laundry sit there when theres a whole community of students that need clean underwear.

majordunham 0

find out where the dick lives, then piss in a pan, freeze it and slide the "piss puck" under his door so it melts and gets all over his shit do this weekly or daily as desired

realggirl 0

I agree with 82. Also, always watch your clothes when washing them in a public area.

fretforyerlatte 0

As others have said you really need to take this to the RA, it is a health hazard and the school needs to be made aware of the situation. Additionally most dorm laundry rooms have security cameras because it is a fairly high risk area for theft (not just of clothes but of money as those machines can gather quite a bit of cash before the coins are collected) and for vandalism. When I was in the dorms I would have "laundry parties" with my roommate and a couple of girls on the floor above us in which we would take up all of the machines (there were two washers and dryers on every other floor) and it would take a while but at least one of us always remembered when we needed to go back and we would always let everyone on the hall know so if they just had one load they could do it before we started. To deal with the whole leaving of laundry there was a white board where we were supposed to write our room number next to the number of the machine we were using so that you knew who to tell to take care of their stuff, it seemed to work pretty well as the only people who ever got their stuff moved were people who didn't follow the system and therefor had brought it upon themselves.

Violet_Grace 0

What a freaking dill hole! Do everything you can to get that jerk in as much trouble as possible. What a loser. Who PEES on someone elses stuff? Was he raised in a barn? Geeze!

post signs offering $20 reward for the name of the asshole who pissed on your laundry, $100 for the broken jaw.

I can't stand the people who leave their laundry in the dryer after it's done. You did the right thing. Whoever did that is a complete asshole.

I simply do not understand these people who leave their laundry unattended. I'd never let my laundry out of my sight. I trust no one in that laundry room, not even my roommate. Someone always wants to steal your stuff. Stick around, play your iPod, read a book. Just don't leave your laundry unattended.

Gabby125 0

Wow, the college I go to people NEVER stay with their laundry, there's just that trust on campus. A couple of times I've even gone down to put my clothes in the dryer only to found out someone has already done it for me. Sorry, that guy was an asshole.

Gabby125 0

Wow, the college I go to people NEVER stay with their laundry, there's just that trust on campus. A couple of times I've even gone down to put my clothes in the dryer only to found out someone has already done it for me. Sorry, that guy was an asshole.