By Noname - 06/03/2009 22:20 - United States

Today, I was at the dentist getting a cavity filled. As she's drilling into my tooth, I feel the drill slip, and then she quickly stuffs gauze into my mouth. She nervously laughs and says to me "Wow! You must really be numb!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 524
You deserved it 32

Top comments

That sucks SO MUCH! I'm so sorry that happened. OMG.

I don't understand the people who say "you deserved this". Why?


If you can't tell her off, do to the situation; just stare. And stare... And don't break eye contact the entire time she's in that room. At least, that's what I would do.

KittyHawkMarch 29

i have had similer experiences with the new orthodontist she has succesfully butchered the inside of my cheeks using nothing but wire. Even though i went back there within the week to have another orthodontist fix the problem I swear all you could see for at least 2 weeks was nothing but small holes everywere inside my cheeks.

Sue for malpractice. She slips, she pays for it.

Funnyguyproblems 1

Are you sure she's a real dentist?

ouch...I'm scared of dentists for this very dentist had arthritis and his hands would constantly shake and slip sometimes in which he'd yell at me to keep my mouth open. He also "lost" records of performing a root canal because he forgot to put a cap on so my tooth died and they had to pull it.

happyfingers 15

When I was younger I had to have a couple baby teeth in the front pulled because the new teeth were coming in weird and I couldn't for the life of me get the baby ones out. He gave me a shot of novacane and ripped them out before I was even numb. Then proceeded to tell my mom when he was done that it didn't hurt me, I was just in shock. As I sat there crying my eyes out. Apparently I didn't feel it and was in shock. Thankfully it kicked in a while later and numbed the pain for a bit. But to this day I will never use that dentist again. Screw him and his bald head. Hurt T.T

Sounds more like a WTF/ This is where I die moment than a fml to me. (It's kind of an a fml in my opinion.)

I love how the dentist must have a perfect hourglass figure and be showing lots of cleavage, just because it's a female. Also, she's not wearing gloves. Or a mask. Or a lab coat...