By torchy - 10/05/2009 04:48 - United States

Today, I treated myself to a spa day at home. First, I decided to do a hot oil treatment on my hair. I was leaning over the saucepan of oil on the stove when it flared up in my face. On the bright side, I no longer have to worry about plucking my eyebrows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 836
You deserved it 52 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure deep-frying your hair is NOT part of any spa treatment. You probably misunderstood what it was.

Lol, do you not know oil catches fire if you heat it on its own for too long? YDI =P


well that wasn't very smart of you. YDI, sorry.

ringles 0

Do you understand what a stove IS??????

Osakhomen 0

If you know what a hot oil treatment is, then you should know that the oil should not be hot enough that it's boiling. The oil should be WARM! And if you didn't know that, why wouldn't you look it up or something? Sorry but this is extremely stupid.

oil your hair? ick sounds awful. but why did you lean over the stove people learn when theyre 3 to not do that

Cormophyte 0

You people have it all wrong. The biggest factor in this YDI is not that the oil was boiling hot, but that I'd bet dollars to donuts that this person was heating this oil on a gas stove. Hence why it exploded in their face.

debbiedowner2 0

@25, oil in your hair is good for it. That's what makes it soft, shiny and healthy. But not boiling hot cooking oil... ugh.

What was it, redneck spa day? rofl fail.

beany212 0

I applaud you for finding the silver lining to this whole story.