By Anonymous - 12/09/2013 05:18 - United States

Today, I taught my kid how to mow the lawn. It's a self-propelling mower so it's easy to handle. My kid thought it would be smart to tie the handle down so that he wouldn't have to push it at all. This resulted in the lawn mower blasting through our fence and sinking into my neighbor's pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 917
You deserved it 7 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Points for innovative thinking! F on thinking it through first!!!

At least he was trying to be creative in his laziness!


Guess you really didn't teach him after all, then?

Goblin182 26

1. How did he think the mower was going to turm corners? 2. Must be one hell of a drive motor on that mower to go through a fence, or did you fence need replacing anyway?

First time letting kid now grass, and you left the kid alone ? You could have had something worse happen. My neighbor's kid cut the tips of his fingers off. He reached under the mower to remove a stick, the blades were still moving.

beetlejuice88 1

Ok two questions did u turn that mower into a hot rod? And how crappy was your fence? These two objects collide a lot and I have never had a mower plow through any fence!

safety first dawg (Do's & Don'ts), when training on dangerous equipment.

HAhahaha well that can be a good thing or a bad thing. Good thing is your kid is one of those who likes to innovate. Bad thing your kid could be just lazy and stupid.

I think the push one with the little blades would work better for him..,but i don't think he'll do that again...

Gingerette 8

No offense to anyone, but I think this is probably the funniest thing on FML, currently.

Axel5238 29

This is pretty funny is has your kid been watching dennis the menace? Really though, you are lucky that stunt didn't hurt him or anyone else. I'd have a a serious talk with your kid.