By ShiriSarah - 20/08/2009 14:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I saw a video of myself filmed last night, hammered, climbing my wardrobe screaming, "I WANT TO GO TO NARNIA" while naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 355
You deserved it 176


ANkh_fml 0

I told you to lay off the Jesus.

junkupinit 0

hahahahaha, this just absolutely made my day (:(:(:(:(:(:

no no no. you've got it all wrong. if you want to go to narnia you need to go INSIDE the wardrobe not climp it with no clothes on. now post the link of that video (unless you're ugly in which case go back to your MMORG)

This is the best FML I've ever seen in my life. This should be on MyLifeIsG. I love you.

LMFAO. funniest shit i've read for the day

tapesculpture 0

LMFAO I started laughing my ass off when i read this bahahahahaha.

HAHAHAH. If you would of drank more you would of eventually ended up in Narnia!