By Ren - 30/01/2009 15:50 - United States

Today, I received a text message from my older brother. It said, "Ah... I want you". I hope to god it was intended for someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 463
You deserved it 2 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

little_musician 0

"Today, I accidentally sent a text to my sister saying 'Ah... I want you.' FML"

Isn't that a line from a Spice Girls song? Maybe he was trying to bring up some '90s nostalgia.


budd28 0

99% chance it wasn't meant for u and if it was than I guess 1% is bigger than i thought

Um chill... It obviously wasnt 4 u. R u that concerned by a most likely prank o.O

sjerkins 0

Seriously why would you automatically assume it is for you . Think outside of the box for a change .

I would have to say it would be interesting if it was for you. Chances are it wasn't, my brother would absolutely die if he accidently sent me a text like that haha xD

incest is a game the whole family can play!lol

incest is a game the whole family can play!lol

One time I got a text from my brother that ended in "xoxox love you babe" and then about half an hour later I got "minus the xoxox love you babe".

randybryant799 20

I'm curious as to why your mind immediately thought of incest. Did it not occur to you that he texted the wrong person?