By Crumpet - 25/06/2010 07:08 - Canada

Today, I realized that when my boyfriend said, "I'll love you forever" what he really meant was, "I'll love you until I meet your significantly more attractive sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 014
You deserved it 5 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ArtIsResistance7 1

It seems like this problems could be solved if girls were schooled in the ancient language of 'man'. Here's a few tips: "Honey, I love you." = "I'll love you until someone of greater interest comes along." However, "My bacon-strip, will you be the lime to my corona?" = "I love you, baby!"

that sucks. maybe find an attractive relative of his??

HazelBunny 0

well ydi for not being the more attractive sister.... it's a good thing that he's going for ur sister... now ur sister will have a bf and can't steal ur next one..... even if ur signifigantly less attractive? bish don't whine bout bein ugly~

at least you have a sister to talk with what a mean all these guys

hahahahaha everyone knows that when a boy says that it's a lie until he finds someone better...

that rly sucks, ur sis stealing ur bf away..

ydi for being ugly ugo!!!!!! hot>ugly