By bleroh - 04/03/2013 11:04 - China

Today, I’m in China for work. All my work is stored in my Google Drive, directly via the internet. It’s just a pity that Google is banned in China. FML
I agree, your life sucks 803
You deserved it 216

Top comments

Communism sucks! Go Capitalism! At least they didn't ban FML, though.

Why didnt you save the things you knew you would need (or might need) to the HD of your computer, or a flash drive of sorts if that is an option for the things?


Communism sucks! Go Capitalism! At least they didn't ban FML, though.


Why didnt you save the things you knew you would need (or might need) to the HD of your computer, or a flash drive of sorts if that is an option for the things?

No problem. Use a VPN to change the country.

You've gotta have balls to do that. The Chinese gov't doesn't f*ck around with that.

I do that too. I tend to be in Germany a lot. My Google pages load in German too!

I'd recommend either a VPN or proxy. They're the Internet equivalent of shoving a Playboy into a school textbook so you can look at it while masturbating in cla—they allow for forbidden server access by accessing the sites remotely and then providing you with the results.

kaykicing 6

the Chinese government is aware of VPNs, there are severe consequences if you're caught.

vikingchick 22

Definately the best response to OP's problem. :D

You can use a VPN, and there are a lot of free ones which you can use. (Don't wanna name some cause of advertising stuff but just google free vpn) Most of them are limited though (the free ones at least - for example only 2GB/Month) but it should be enough for work related documents :D

Suaria 38

I don't think you get the irony of your post. You said to google free VPN but Google is banned in China. Unless Yahoo is now banned which it wasn't when I went to China in 2015, you could probably type in free VPN there.

She can't just google free vpn...because google is banned thats the whole prob. But honestly, my sis lived in China for 3 years and used a proxy with no issues.

Reader888 3

Yeah, just Google it. Lmfao

Did you honestly just tell him to Google something when his FML was based solely on the fact that access to Google is blocked.

Suaria 38

You know there is this special thing called a VPN

Sir_Cow 17

How is he/she supposed to download a VPN without google? Bing?

Both yahoo and Bing are available. It's easy to download things from there.

Mathalamus 24

im (not really) sorry to be rude, but if you knew you were going to work in china, maybe find a non google service? or, you know, keep it all offline in your computer? if it relates to work, the internet really isn't the right place for it anyway.

China sucks, I seem to be disconnected from the world every time I come to China.

Perhaps ask a family member to access your google drive and email you the work instead? Tbh I thought that's a widely known thing. I'd have researched that if I was going to China, due to the censoring they have