By sonnyrosa - 09/02/2013 12:39 - Canada - Dartmouth

Today, I had to drive to my workplace in blizzard conditions. Now that my 12 hour shift is over, I can't get out of the building, as the snow has blown into large drifts in front of the doors. I have to stay overnight until my next 12 hour shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 787
You deserved it 2 623

sonnyrosa tells us more.

I'm sure there are labor laws that are supposed to prevent stuff like this, but when the roads are closed, and no one can get in (even the buses have stopped running, and a lot of people reply on those to get to work), there's nothing that can be done. I'm stuck here, but I'm getting paid for it... hopefully, this snow crap stops before tomorrow morning, otherwise, I'll be stuck again. It's still coming down like mad :S


Well, aren't you just a ray of ******* sunshine? You get stuck working a 24 hours shift in a blizzard and see how you like it.

At least you can sleep in between shifts. Set up a makeshift bed in a back room, and you're good.

Is there a way to post a picture of my car, to show how deep the snow has gotten?

Thank you! The picture was taken about an hour ago... still falling... damn Nor'easter. Hopefully, the rain we're supposed to get Tuesday will be enough to melt it all away.

Epikouros 31

OK, it's interesting to see the car, but it doesn't have boobs. If you're bored, why don't you start a tumblr blog? It's easy to post pictures from a smartphone on tumblr.

Lol same thing happened to my mom; she went across the street with some coworkers to a hotel to wait it out. :)

Satoaoi 13

then I suggest going to sleep so u can be well rested for the other shift. or if your lucky the boss might cancel work

Similar thing happened to me years ago in Australia, except the freeway into Sydney from the north was shut down by bush fires. The hospital where I worked a lot of the staff lived up the coast and could not get through.

Jesus! Snow's pretty shitty, but bush fires?! That's just plain SCARY!!!

Ooooh I remember that! I was stuck in Gosford for days! 1993 wasn't it?

Yes it was scary. The fires move so fast. We went to the movies and halfway through we were evacuated from the area. When we went in the fires were no where near us. We were staying at our beach house near Gosford and there were eucalyptus leaves floating down on the beach that were still glowing from where they had been burning. My parents made it back home to Queensland over 1000km away before I made it back to Sydney.

85. Yes Dec 1993 through Jan 1994. You were not stuck on the F3 were you? I felt so sorry for those people, couldn't go forward or back.

91. No thank goodness. Lucky I had family I could stay with until it cleared.

My god, that's AWFUL! Was anyone hurt? The damage must have been catastrophic if people were stuck for days on end!

It was not as bad as some bushfires in other years. I looked the stats up and the '1994 Eastern seaboard fires' as they are now known, killed 4 people and burnt out over 2 million acres. 225 homes were destroyed. The thing with that bushfire is that it threatened to cut Sydney off completely. By road anyway. When it was really bad the highway to the southeast was the only road open. All other road and rail routes were closed. And for a city of over 4.5 million people that was a little scary. There was a lot of ash coming down and the sky was dulled by the smoke to an dark orange colour. The worst one I have been in was in Victoria in Feb 2009, the Black Saturday bushfires. 173 people died, 2030 houses destroyed and burnt out 1.1 million acres. We were no where near as close as what we had been back in 1994, but with so many deaths it was just horrible. You didn't want to turn on the news.

Once while I was working at a hospital I got snowed in, spent the night in a designated patient room with another co-worker. We didn't get paid, but we got free cafeteria food.

I looked at some of those storm pictures online out of morbid curiosity...

Streetracer15 9

At least you won't be late for work :)

Me too, haha. Maybe we're trapped in the same location?! =O. We could build a fort together!