By Tireddddddd - 31/07/2011 05:45 - United States

Today, I got back from camp. My camp-mates? A girl who refused to shower the entire week, a girl who threatened to hurt me several times, a snorer, my princess of a sister who took forever in the mornings, and a counselor who watched us sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 546
You deserved it 3 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And a fifth camper who complained the whole time.


this has happened to me before. minus the councilor tho.

GnarShreder13 0

sounds like the unwanted cabin. what was your flaw

ashlyn88 0

That's what you get for going go camp ;p

Was that by any chance Interlochen Summer Arts Camp...?

I just got home from a camp in Arizona today, what a weird coincidence. :0 But that only lasted about two days, so I doubt OP went to that same camp. I feel OP's pain, annoying cabinmates are the worst.

For the record, i'v had worse but you don't hear me bitching

auren15 9

And what was your special ability?

varkey 7

Why would you be afraid of the girl who threatened you if there was a counselor there at all times? Still, FYL

Sounds like my first and last camp experience in fifth grade... Exactly like it.