By Broeman - 13/09/2009 23:10 - United States

Today, I found some charges on my credit card for two round trip tickets to Las Vegas. Turns out my daughter and her stoner, unemployed boyfriend stole my credit card and flew to Vegas over the weekend to get married. I paid for my daughter's elopement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 004
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would report her for stealing your credit card. You would have 2 things. 1. Your money back 2. Your dumbshit daughter would have to pay for her crimes.


It's your own fault for having a credit card. An unprotected one at that. so deserve it for not being careful with your money!

I know shes ur daughter in law but u need to make sure she and/or he pays it all off and if they refuse i would file a police report

no, its her daughter and son in law

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Sue her for the money it cost. That'll teach her. Plus, what a great way to start off her marriage.

Could have her arrested for stealing your money.. Depends on how mad you are lol

You can press charges on her for her stealing your card.

sounds like American Dad reference to me