By unluckiestperson - 29/08/2010 15:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my very expensive and beautiful smelling perfume attracts wasps. Whenever I go out, wherever I am, I am followed by multiple wasps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 745
You deserved it 6 272

Same thing different taste


...and this offends you as a Jewish person?

id suggest, idk, not wearing the perfume

laueadavenn 0

that sucks for real , buy something different ?

dmw3 0

then go ******* return the damn perfume

Bioshock 2 :3 rofl use them as weapons >:3

take a shower and die in a hole with a bunny!

wildfiresgirl 7

I heard somewhere that wasps and bees are attracted to sweet-smelling perfumes and scents. You have the option to discontinue using your perfume, or just bear through it..

PerditaDessa 38

I wish OP told us what perfume she wore. Allergic to wasps and now I have a new thing to fear.