By Anonymous - 27/06/2012 20:02 - United States - Elkhart

Today, I found out that I'm pregnant. I had an IUD put in two years ago that's supposed to prevent pregnancy. To put it in perspective, less than 1% of people using this IUD get pregnant. Lucky me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 890
You deserved it 5 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thischick1659 1

Hey, at least you're special ;D

With your luck, you should buy a lotto :D


It may seem like bad luck now, but you'll feel very different about it when your baby is born. I think out society views pregnancy all wrong. Even in the worst of times, it's a beautiful thing. You've created life.

monnanon 13

a life that she tried her hardest to prevent happening. a life she doesnt want.

Raineraine93 0

Aren't you supposed to get them replaced like... every 2 years or something?

One type(with hormones) you get it replaced after 5 years and the copper one (without hormones) you get replaced after 10 years

dupot420 9

Use a metal coat hanger and rip the fetus out if you don't want the baby.

Seriously? That is a human being you are talking about.

LemonLolly 10

The ****?? It's a baby!! Who the hell would use a wire hanger--that's sick and disgusting!!! Hope you aren't a parent!

constipatedlady 0

Women will use all sorts of things if a pregnancy is unwanted and abortion is not available. Good thing it is, eh?

KiddNYC1O 20

Taboo is back with an all new season, folks.

I feel for you OP. 7 years ago I had my tubes tied. The following year I got to be in your situation. .02% chance of pregnancy, and I had to be that .02 I ended up in a hospital one night, undergoing emergency surgery and blood transfusions because my pregnancy ended up nearly killing me. thanks to an inept ultrasound tech who assured me that everything was ok. I wish you the best of luck, no matter your decision, and urge you to keep close contact with your doctor for your own safety.

Gtaylorfication 0

Look at it this way maybe that baby is supposed to do great things in this world :)

cherry72 13

When I read this (being a female) I thought you might have a problem with your pregnancy with that IUD being in your cervix... With your cervix sealing with the mucus membrain. (yes, guys i know that sounds gross, but its what happens) Hope you went to the Doctor already. If not you better get into one fast. Ok there's my 2 cents for the day.

cherry72 13

Pogue36 they need to take that diploma away in your pic and you need more schooling. IMO you're an idiot. Yes my comment was harsh.

Pinkpoogle 3

You also need to remember that not all people can have kids so still feel special that you can have this bundle of joy!

Well, how's this?: My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a few months with no luck at all. In fact, my stupid body won't even ovulate, haven't had a period in 42 days. I'm not complaining at you, just stating how annoying life is! People who don't want babies get pregnant and those who want it don't. :/

constipatedlady 0

An IUD is protection, silly!