By Nick - 26/01/2010 21:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out I have a daughter. How did I find out? She added me on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 463
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Wow. That is ****** up - so basically the mum told her daughter you were the father but didn't think to tell you she existed?

wow that's just awful. are you still in contact with the mom? if so then that's just messded up..


It's got nothing to do with the actual FML, but wow!, this illustration is just A+.

sow_ay_fml 5

Oh yeah !! Thanks, great pleasure to see comments like that !!

Dead_Fox 17

Illustration: in a relationship with 'Luke Skywalker',... No wonder Vader seems so upset!


drayloon 50

Worse for Vader since that means his kids are married to each other

Finally, when someone asks her who's your daddy, she can finally answer. Awesome.

Well, you have a child. At least now you know

Um... I recently found my dad on Facebook. Pretty sure he knew about me though. Gotta say, best feeling ever to actually find him. Crushed me when I still have no reply.

Hey maybe he thought the daughter was supposed to have been aborted , like my father did.