By Rael - 29/09/2009 18:36 - United States

Today, I found a parking citation from my college on my car windshield. It read PERMIT CITATION at the top. It confused me, as I had bought a parking permit 2 or 3 weeks before so that I wouldn't get a ticket. Turns out I got fined because the permit was on the wrong side of the windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 565
You deserved it 7 278

Rael tells us more.

Rael 0

Well, the worst part of it was what I saw when I was driving on the way back to my dorm. Somebody driving past with the sticker in the same place mine was. It just pisses me off. Like the guy with the Mustang I see every day. He can't ever get a real parking spot, so he's always parked in the Service Vehicles spot. I never see a ticket on his windshield. This is at NAU, btw. Yes, they are fucktards about this shit.

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

I don't know why, but that seems sorta typical in todays societies... If you ever see the person who gave you the ticket, take your keys and shove it up his/her @$$ and say "Oops! Wrong side!"

MacintoshDima 0


leksileks 0

oh my god i hate shit like that. Why can't they accept that, u have the goddamned thing isn't that eneough?

jess07 0

My university made half a million dollars last year on student parking tickets. I realize when people park illegally it's their own fault, but cases like this are just a way for the school to get money. You already paid them for the permit, and there's no way the ticketer didn't see it.

LilyMarie15 0

haaa sounds like MCC.. its freakinnn ridculouss!

Makes me glad that the parking permits for my university are tags that we just hang from our rear view mirror. There really isn't a wrong way to put the tag on as long as it hangs from your mirror.

skittyskatbrat 19

You'd think that. Mine got knocked slightly sideways when I hit a bump. I had the colored strip at the top of my all cars. He couldn't read all the numbers because some of it was under the strip, so I got a parking ticket. No joke.

This sounds like Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. They make up rules just to make sure you break them and they can fine you for something (or give you demerits from their infinite suply).

senpa_kush 11

Ydi for not turning it on the right side

carey33 15

Pretty stupid that this was over ten years ago and we STILL have these kinds of problems!!! Is it really that hard to check both sides of the windshield?