By Lepisma - 26/06/2013 07:19 - United States - College Station

Today, I faced my severe phobia of spiders in order to remove a rather large one from my home. After 20 minutes of desperate struggling, it was finally taken care of. Relieved, I sat down and glanced across the hallway just in time to see a second, equally large spider strutting across the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 397
You deserved it 4 353

Lepisma tells us more.

I usually handle smaller spiders okay unless they surprise me, but these guys were big. This happened at about 1 am last night and my housemate was asleep, so a vacuum was not an option. I did use big spray. In fact, I nailed the first one three times and it shrugged it off like a BAMF (it was a Texan spider, after all). I actually already have a cat - two, in fact. They were very interested in the spiders, but I didn't want them to get bitten, so I didn't let them get close enough to attack. I finally got the first one in a cup with a lid and filled that sucker up with the bug spray. That worked! Then I saw the second one and about died, myself. It ended up under a cup eventually, too, and met Mr. Shoe. Thanks for the suggestions, though - they made me laugh!


I'm surprised you didn't get a heart attack. I would've had one if I had to do that

Good thing you have that second heart for backup!

113, your comment is so full of win! It made my day :)

olpally 32

Torch that ****** with a lighter like a boss! Keep up the good work on your phobia! You can do it!

Well if OP burns down the house, at least they won't have to worry about the spiders anymore.

olpally 32

A little extreme there^^ but it would work. Haha.

jdimaria3 13

Just use a vacuum and vacuum it up (using the hose part). You can still stay a foot or two away and they aren't getting out of the vacuum anytime soon.

That doesn't work. They can actually survive that and still get out. Happened to me...

I use this method and I don't think any of them have escaped from it before (or at least I have never taken notice of it). Once I vacuum it, I hold the opened part onto the floor for several seconds to increase the suction speed. Then I vacuum whatever needs to be vacuumed around the area in hope of knocking the spider further into the system (in case it managed to cling onto the sides).

Then what happens when the spider survives and has babies in the vacuum? =P (yes, it does happen)

Thinking of a spider having babies in a vacuum is surprisingly kinda disturbing.

Here's what you do: You spray it with Raid first and then you vacuum it up. Spider is dead (or dying) and you didn't have to go too close or even touch it. These two weapons provide the utmost offense and defense system when l dealing with a spider (and any other creepy disgusting creature) attack!

shihtzupup98 3

you call an exorcist or burn your house down… or move to Greenland.

I can feel your pain. Any bugs (yes, even ladybugs) freak me out. But spiders? It is a whole new level of fear. Even the babies scare the hell of me. Oh, and the dead ones, too!

perdix 29

If you have a severe phobia of spiders, you probably need to leave Texas. Just pack up your tuffet and go eat your curds and whey in a state where the spiders aren't so big and arrogant.

"If there's something strange Crawling up your wall Who you gonna call?" "EXTERMINATORS!!!"

upallnight11 19

I know how it feels, OP. Spiders are my biggest phobia too. I just hate those damn little *******!

Except for jumping spiders. Jumping spiders are cute as hell.

upallnight11 19

Your only hope is to burn the house down.

Eat their souls so they can't reincarnate.

Hahahah i just thought of a spider wearing a mini dress and heels strutting down the runway which is ur wall omf brb dying

OP: "I'm sick of all these muthaf$ckin spiders in this muthaf$ckin house!" OP then proceeds to burn down the house. And there's your sequel to "Snakes on a Plane."