By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 18:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered that my girlfriend of two years has been cheating on me for over five months, including while I was deployed to Afghanistan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 343
You deserved it 4 300

RebelBorn89 tells us more.

RebelBorn89 0

To every one that thinks i'm British, I'm not. I am an American military member serving in the UK

Top comments

that is messed up, your risking your life to keep us safe


MissSmileyFace 0

My boyfriend has been there for about 5 months and we are still doing great. it's really hard to commit to loyality. However, cheating is simply unacceptable. There are way better girls out there. You'll find them :) ^^

monkey27 0

Y does he deserve that? Jus wondering

Wow what a disgrace to our country that's a true slutty *****