By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 03:55 - United States

Today, I'd had it with my mom's addiction to weed, so I told her to choose between me or the weed. I'm currently looking on Craigslist for an apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 018
You deserved it 14 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Yes, like letting her adult children live at home rent-free while they hassle her about her fun habits.

While it is true that you aren't addicted to the actual chemical THC in marijuana, you can become "addicted" to the effects it creates. Here's a really crappy example: you don't become addicted to being held at gunpoint by muggers, but you can get addicted to the adrenaline rush, so to get your fix, you'll walk around seedy parts of town with money hanging out your ass to get that rush again.


Op must've made a typo and said weed rather than cocaine.

Although I find your predicament quite a bad one indeed and I hope it resolves itself peacefully, I would like to point out that you cannot actually get addicted to marijuana.

Makeeasweet25 0

if she such a horrible pothead,then how come she able to keep a roof over her head and yours.

I think all the teenagers saying "wtf omg weed is awesomes n u can't get addicted to it you idiot lol lol lol" need to take a step back. Weed can be awesome, true, and it isn't physically addictive. But some people have dependent personalities and will seek out activities and substances to use as a crutch. In these cases it can become a demotivating, destructive force. To me, daily stoners are dull monotonous people to be around, and they need to learn the art of moderation. The OP's mum is one of these. .

Then mom has other problems than smoking weed...if she's really has dependency issues then the Fml would've been about cocaine or a harder drug, because someone like that would most likely not stop if they tried something other than weed.

Not everyone is the same when they are high.. Different people have different personality types when smoking. My roommate smokes just about every day and he has a great personality.

By the way, I'm kind of being facetious here.

incidious 3

how would you know if op's mom is one of these? you've never met her. don't judge...

ashleycuddlebear 0

This is why you don't make a pot head chose between weed and you. If she did that you obviously don't need to be around her anymore and move on with your life and better yourself :)

YDI for being a ******* moron. Weed isn't addictive. Maybe your mom is just a good time and appreciates the world in HD.

So are you saying it's ok to choose your precious "weed" over your damn kids just because they're uninformed? ******* stoners...

Definitely not, but how can one get past the first sentence without being amused and make a comment on it?

On the bright side, Jesus loves us either way....Stoner or not ^_^

deadpool420 0

Weed is not addictive I stopped smoking for the army with no drawbacks

KVKdragon 26

There's a reason I call illegal/abused drugs moron medicine. It's for morons that think it's medicine for a good life or a good experience. I'm entitled to an opinion and you're entitled to yours. Keep the peace and argue back rationally and maturely please. Even if you don't, I couldn't care less.

I'll argue with you, so what do you want to argue about?

Opinions can be wrong. Many medicines are extracted compounds from plants. Cannabis may be no different, but we aren't positive, that's why it's important for scientists to study these claims using unbiased techniques known as the scientific process. And it is equally important for politics and ignorance to get off science's back so we can do our job, which is the pursuit of discovery and truth.

alpo123 0

there is no such thing as a Safe drug but good job trying to stick up for yourselves pothead

...and the comments will shut down because stoners don't know when to shut up. It gets worse since a few MORONS are saying "DRUGS ARE GOOD". What the ****?

What are you on? Intensity level > 9000

If some prissy ass people would stop trying to make potheads look like the bad guys and get that stick outta their butts wouldn't be a problem.

Marijuana has relatively few personality-altering traits, unlike harder, worse drugs. However, one of the few it has is compelling people to defend it utterly mindlessly and ignore any flaws it may have, however tiny, as well as talk about it ceaselessly. It's a very strangely specific effect!

See? Soon as you point out that very drawback to people, they flip out. Poor sods can't help it.