By khood - 14/04/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I bought a coral colored hooded sweatshirt, which my girlfriend told me was "hot". I wore it to a baseball game tonight. When it got cold I put the hood over my head, only to hear everyone behind me laugh. The back of the hood said "Boy crazy". It was a teen girls sweatshirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 670
You deserved it 70 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHAHAHAH I think I love you. Definitely my new favorite FML. hahahahhaha :D

Clearly you didn't inspect the sweatshirt enough when you bought it.


Marz33 0

sorry but YDI I mean who would buy a shirt and not know what is on it's back? >.>,seriously?

I think it's a somewhat honest mistake. Coral is kinda orange-y and the OP said it was written on the back of the HOOD, not the actual back. But that's still funny :P

Moron. Enjoy wearing her underwear when she completes your transformation into a pansy.

Yamamarro 0

At least you weren't wearing sweat pants that said "Juicy" on the back.

xxdani 0

ahahahhahhah wow. if u knew u i would never let u live that down

you're a guy who knows what colour coral is?


Although you should've inspected it better, or even looked at a sign, I'm sure I would've done the same thing.

Osakhomen 0

It would be smart to look your clothes before you buy them.