By asdfghjkl - 19/04/2009 02:44 - United States

Today, I bought a brand new flat screen TV. When I brought it home it didn't work. Furious, I walked into Best Buy and yelled at a guy in a tucked in blue polo and khakis. I asked him why it didn't work and he said he didn't know. I kept screaming. He didn't have a nametag. He didn't work there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 797
You deserved it 130 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if he had a name tag, why would you yell at him? "Hey, you work here! You must know exactly what's wrong with the TV I bought from some other employee a while ago! "

Hydra_fml 0

YDI for just walking in and yelling. This should go to


just because your tv does not work does not give you the right to yell at an employee who works there YDI for being an a**

stinebean 0

The employee did their job that day, they came to work to sell products and they did just that, the only fault here is from the manufacturer (if the tv was actually defective) and yours because you're a whiny little jerk.

DeeJayD 0

You know, an employee is much more likely to be willing to help you and give you best service if you don't act like a total asshole as soon as. Had you not been being an ass, this person you flipped out on would have been able to explain they don't work there, saving you much embarrassment. YDI.

Osakhomen 0
ILoveJace01 0

Ok, why would you yell at some random employee unless he was the one who was helping you when you considered buying it? At least go to customer service or something and EXPLAIN to them what happened, that your TV doesn't work, and if they give you BS, THEN yell and scream and go baracuda. Well, that's what I would've done. Or, you could've called the company or manufacturer of the Tv and yelled at them.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#85: You are an idiot. Who cares what they are wearing to BEST BUY. You should stop talking. OP: It's people like you that make me NOT want to get a summer job. Because I would surely go off on you, "why doesn't the t.v work?" Because you are too stupid to figure out how to hook it up. People are nicer to people who are nice to them. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So you know what someone is gonna be a bitch to you, 3 times worse. So deal because you bought this shit onto yourself. And the people at Best Buy didn't make your television, you probably posted this on here so people would side with you. Ahhh, they're bitching you out. **** you! YDI

I work at best buy, its pieces of shit like you that make other customers get treated improperly because the people are working have to deal with people like you, we have a 30 day return policy, just exchange it you dumb mfcker

Tick_fml 0

Wow, you walk in and start screaming???? Jeezus, chill out. Your TV don't work, exchange it, take it back and get your money, etc. My lord, unless you have some background story to elaborate as to why you were SOO frustrated (which could be the case), you DEFINITELY deserved anything bad that came your way,

SilentGround 0

people like you make me hate the workplace. thank you for not ruling, ever.

Wow, you really need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around you. I would have punched you in the face!