By Ashamed - 20/04/2012 07:34 - United States - Somerville

Today, I blurted out something like "humdidumdum erm lalala" in public, attracting mystified stares. The thing is, I do this every time I remember something embarrassing I've said or done in the past, in an attempt to erase it out of my consciousness. So it happens a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 394
You deserved it 10 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Is that by Skrillex? So, you do an embarrassing thing in the present to erase embarrassing things from your past? Looks like you've set up an infinite loop.

Dafuq? I'm sorry, just try and train yourself to forget those embarrassments and do it in private. In your house, or your room. Good luck OP!


babyshaft408 8
KiddNYC1O 20

That's an upgrade from just laughing to yourself alone in public.

I sing 'my corona!' Which jjust adds to the embarrassment. I wish I could stop, but it's completely involuntary. I call it my form of Tourettes.

wairdt 5

I think it's funny that the OP actually took time out to spell it.

Instead of looking bewildered and shamed from all the stares, you could say, "What, you've never heard that beat, before? What rock have you been living under??" Enjoy the scene as it unfolds. :)

Isn't is ironic how that your method to erase embarrassment embarrasses you?

So when you say something stupid, you rectify that but saying something stupider? YDI OP! Maybe try to make things better by not making it worse.

AHAHA! i know a lot of people who do this. My friend was in an elevator with a stranger and was thinking about a guy she despises. She started muttering to herself, saying "you're so f-ing ugly, you're SO f-ing ugly". The guy was shocked and said "i'm.. sorry..O.O".