By justmyluck? - 18/02/2011 03:02

Today, I ate at Chipotle. There was a girl sitting alone, so I asked if I could eat lunch with her. She said yes, and as I sat down I tried to open my bag of chips. When trying to do so, my hand slipped, and I punched myself in the face. She laughed, and promptly left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 090
You deserved it 7 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

owned no but really that was mean of her

Not to bad, at least you didn't get shut down right away... or punch her in the face.


Blueknite47 0

you my friend, will need some chipotle away in a few hours.

ErbodyLuvsDaLulz 4

YDI for eating at a restaurant that was previously owned by the McDonalds corporation.

Don't be such a ***** and run away. laugh at yourself when you do something stupid. As a member of the ****** wielding club, I can safely say that chicks usually dig it when you laugh it off.

"She laughed, and promptly left" The girl left, not OP.

b_rad_fml 4

The op stayed, the girl left...

hahaha ohhhhh my. that is just awesome.

My_Name_Sucks 2

There are around 20 posts on this site with this same theme, "Ohh, I was trying to open something but my hand slipped and I punched myself in the face." Seriously, if you're so stupid that you can manage to punch yourself in the face opening a bag of chips, then I don't blame the chick for leaving.

you should have laughed too i would have :D.... but that just me i am kinda weird!!

just open the chips even I can do that, but dude that girl is just plain mean

b_rad_fml 4

YDI! My god, dude, they put their chips in a paper bag! How hard is it for you to open a paper lunch bag?