By chao - 22/12/2009 02:47 - United States

Today, I asked my girlfriend what she thought of us getting married some day. She said she wasn't sure about me yet and that we may want to go in different directions soon. We've been dating for three years and I had the ring in my pocket at the moment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 230
You deserved it 3 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YayAmerica 0

In retrospect, perhaps you should've asked her that question a while back. At least BEFORE you bought the ring.

Well, no kidding. People can be really dumb--you should always talk to her about marriage before because you may think that your relationship is TOTALLY different than she thinks it is. Me? I was jokingly chatting with my boyfriend about marriage years before we did it, and I went to pick out my ring with him, so he knew I would say yes and I wouldn't have any second thoughts.


Well, you should have talked about it first instead of wasting your time in a rather silly fashion. Anyway, you got your answer. You know what's next. Move along people, there's nothing to see here....

You should always test the waters before ring shopping. Getting married is a decision you should make together, not a surprise idea you spring on someone. My husband got to do the whole romantic proposal thing--it was even a surprise when he did it--but we had discussed the idea of getting married beforehand and he knew I was on board.

"dating her for 3 years"? Doesn't sound very serious.

Should've asked her to marry you right there instead of asking her what she thought about you two getting married.

Yeah he should have, but they also should have talked about this way ahead of time anyway. Most couples would have already discussed it quite a bit. My fiancee and I had talked about it a thousand times before I finally popped the question, so I already knew the answer. Really the fact that he would ask her like that right before he planned on actually asking tells me he wasn't sure about it and was trying to play it reassure himself that he was safe to ask. Even though his life sucks (which is how I voted) and if she's not sure after 3 years then he's better of leaving her, I also have to say that to an extent he deserves it if he didn't already pretty much know if she was ready or not.

Ditto this. I would always say "I'd consider it" or "maybe, maybe not" because of men and their fear of commitment. Then again I was never in any sort of hurry to get married either, not a big deal to me. Girls do drop hints though. I've been dropping hints about jewelery lately, mostly the kind that I DON'T like... heheh.

Men and their fear of commitment? I'm going to go ahead and say that is blatantly sexist. You should obviously discuss marriage before popping the question. Oh, and I will never understand why women think that dropping subtle hints helps anything. Talk about it for ****'s sake, don't just mention jewelry and expect him to propose to you.

So you got triggered by a generalization about men, but then proceeded to make one about women yourself? Cute

I'm sure that if the guy brought it up, then the guy doesn't have commitment issues.

ucladude 0

ouch!! that was cold blooded!!