By Anonymous - 14/02/2019 16:35 - United States

Today, I am 3 months pregnant. While lying on the couch with morning sickness, my boyfriend farted loudly and filled the room with a smell so horrifying that I immediately threw up all over my coffee table. He spent the next 20 minutes texting his friends about this "epic" moment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 902
You deserved it 7 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zp5 4

boyfriend: "hey guys, i farted and it smelled so bad that my girlfriend threw up all over the coffee table. LOL!" his friends: "whoooa that is so cool." "that is awesome." "hilarious." "i wish my farts smelled that bad!"

TryptamineDreame 0

You should give him one of your rotten pregnancy farts right in his mouth while he's sleeping. He probably wouldn't be laughing then.


Your boyfriend gives me hope in life =]

#104- wtf is your problem? could you maybe take yourself a bit MORE seriously? and dear OP, this is super funny, and you should totally fart in his face while he's sleeping

tragickingdom 0

jeffswife... Nice tag, by the way. Judging by your name, and the fact that you married so young, AND already have 2 "planned' children by 21, I wonder if you ever had time to really enjoy yourself. Being a young adult is great, and it's a shame you missed out by becoming a housewife who defines herself as someone's wife. This is probably why you are so goddam serious, and so sure that you are better than the rest of us. I can definitely see you as one of those empty-headed woman who's lives center around their man, with their biggest goal in life being "oh, i just want to be a mother." While you were married and procreating, I was having a lot of fun. At this point, I'm ready to settle down and take care of my child, but life certainly isn't perfect. But life is perfect for you, right? With your brand new mini van, and little house with white-picket fence? A fluffy white cat named precious? Hot meal on the table when your man comes home from work? Please. Realize that my FML story is all in good fun, and perhaps you should learn to have a little sense of humor yourself. Oh, and since you seem to completely lack the ability to recognize sarcasm and wit....this entire post should be read as sarcasm. Have a good day, wifey.

I think someone is a little bitter that their life isn't like jeffswife....

The fact that you view marriage and having a good time as mutually exclusive proves how immature you are. Why don't you spend a few more years partying and try this conversation again after you've grown up a little, hmm?

shes not immature you bitches that keep accusing her are. jeffswife go **** off and suck your hubbys dick.

ya thx. cause it's so true I'm a guy and I care about my girlfriends feelings and I would never be such an ass to her

ulicksam 0

If you're sick on the couch, wouldn't you have something to puke in, in case you needed it? YDI.