By Shorty - 31/10/2017 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, at work, a customer I've never met before congratulated me on my gender transition and told me how brave I was. I'm not transgender, I'm just short and baby-faced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 865
You deserved it 228

Top comments

Did you tell them their error? I need a follow-up!

Plot Twist: While you were trying to figure out why he made that comment, a buddy of his pick-pocketed you.


You should console that person on their sanity transition. They transitioned from normal customer to delusional lunatic in one sentence!

Did you tell them their error? I need a follow-up!

Lobby_Bee 17

You should give her the I'm-offended face.

Plot Twist: While you were trying to figure out why he made that comment, a buddy of his pick-pocketed you.